North Carolina

Yes I did
and I looked at the link. Thanks everyone for the help. I have heard DE is good for humans with a cold but would it work with chickens to?

Have you gotten your brahma's? I have fallen in love with the breed
Everyone is getting along now which is great, I want to get some pictures tomorrow of everyone. My mom want's to get some dark Brahma's now
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Hello everyone.

If I my broody hen doesn't have any other hatch within the next day or two, then I would like to find one or two bantam chicks that have just been hatch or will be hatch in the next few days. I will drive an hour or two from Albemarle, NC. If anyone has any in the incubator please let me know (any breed of bantam). Thank you.

I posted this on a different thread today:

Day 21
I got a chick!!!!
It's a Light Brahma

I started with 11 eggs, 5 were not fertile and I removed them on day 9. She still has 5 left under her, and I'm hopping
she will hatch at least one more or two
If I don't have any other hatch,
I will have to find a little buddy or two for my lonely chick. I checked with TSC and they will have some bantam chicks this week, but the min. you have to buy is 6 chicks. I don't want 6, I only want one or two, so now I'm looking for any local farmer that might have any recent hatch.
Tonight I will say a pray for my Foxy hen to have another one or two hatches


I am in Franklin and at tractor supply I walked out with 2 chicks and than with the next batch that came in I got 1. They have the little sign that says you have to get 6 but they don't seem to enforce it
I hope you have more hatch
so you don't have to worry about finding 1 or 2 chicks. Love the pictures.
I don't let anyone know anything! I might go through the proper channels if I was building a house or large workshop. Out here, people pretty much do what they want to do. Even my house right now is not a "legal" dwelling, and I certainly did not get permits to renovate it! I guess you have to decide how visible is it from the street? (Or visible from the air, in the case of the aerial tax maps). If you get it permitted, they're probably going to tax it. I think the rule is, no foundation + no electricity = non-taxable structure.

Civil disobedience, and screw the Man!
I don't let anyone know anything! I might go through the proper channels if I was building a house or large workshop. Out here, people pretty much do what they want to do. Even my house right now is not a "legal" dwelling, and I certainly did not get permits to renovate it! I guess you have to decide how visible is it from the street? (Or visible from the air, in the case of the aerial tax maps). If you get it permitted, they're probably going to tax it. I think the rule is, no foundation + no electricity = non-taxable structure.

Civil disobedience, and screw the Man!

Thank you for your suggestions!! We are literally in the middle of nowhere, so I am not sure what they use to find out. I think we have settled on "compliance" in a sneaky way. The law states we have to apply for a permit on any dwelling that is over 12' in any dimension. We decided rather than build a 10'x20' barn, we will simply build 2 10'x10' barns right next to one another with a removable joining wall. They will be separate buildings, but sharing a foundation. Because we are using the concrete pad that was previously laid by the former owner, I think it would be "ruled" as a taxable structure if we did get the permit. Our taxes are high enough, so I'm all about giving our government less (they don't know what to do with what they have anyway...but that's a WHOLE other story/thread/forum/something).

Now the question is: do we need to insulate the coop (our winters aren't that bad are they?)...we're planning on using 1/2" plywood on the exterior and interior, doing a deep litter method (on top of the concrete) and having "cold hardy" birds?? Thanks for the suggestions everyone!!

arianna -
congratulations on the hatch.
We're praying for a little playmate for your lone chickie!! Gorgeous hen & LOVE the basket she's in!!

HT- what a lovely girl you have there!! Can't wait to see her when she's all "filled out"!!
Good morning everyone...Another rainy day here...Guess there won't be much progress on the coop today

For all of you praying folks we really need to lift up the peole of Japan today...Have a great day everyone...
allabout she is very pretty, did you decide on what treatment you are going to use? and if she has coryza the rest of this persons flock has it too most likely, are you going to contact him and let him know.? I hope she gets well soon poor baby
I did email he and his response was, " I have no clue what you are talking about. You looked the bird over and said she was beautiful "
she is beautiful but she is still sick
He is not going to do anything. I have heard that even if we treat her she will be a carrier and will get other birds sick and we need to just cull her

I forgot to put in, she has gotten worst than yesterday
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