North Carolina

HT just loves to make us drool

wanted to share this with anyone who may be able to help....
I am very very far from the laying time AND a first time chicken owner but would placing golf balls in the nesting boxes maybe assist the hens along.. Maybe like all the other ladies said just the move got them backwards and maybe seeing the white ball in the box will move things along? Again I am also a newbee but I have heard in previous posts that this could be an assisting aid when my babies start laying..
Might work sj, I did it with my first hen that we adopted, she was basically a stray for a better term and use to going into the woods to lay her eggs. so I put golf balls in the nest box, I don't think she had ever been in a coop let a lone a nest box. It finally worked . So that just might get their attention.
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We actually loaded a plastic easter egg and put a couple in the nesting box to encourage them all.

A hurry up and wait game I guess

thanks for the suggestion though

I have a hen who is a black giant, not laying yet, and aside from her size you would think she should be laying eggs. Black giants mature slow
. I also have a 3/4 silkie cochin cross who has yet to ley, but looks like she should be. So just give them time, They could still be young ladies or the several moves have upset the process.
Good luck.

to all the newbies
If you mean rhode island reds "reds" and buff orps "orps, you can tell the difference first by the leg color. RIR's will have yellow legs and orps have white. If there body style is the same it is because they are probably just hatchery stock not breeder quality.

Keep in mind that if they are molting they will not let roosters breed them, actually do everything in their power to say NO to the roos.
If they are at the beginning of the molt their feathers will still look o.k. for awhile till they start to shed them, or they could just be coming out of molt and have all new feathers hence the nice appearance. If she just got them and put them in her with other stock they may have come from a place that didn't have a rooster either. Something to think about.

Here are just a few pics of some of my orps
Project lavenders
Exhibition Black Rooster
7 week old pullet
My American orps (just sold a few of them)
Exhibition black orp hen

Those are some mighty pretty birds HT.
I volunteer to rehome them whenever you are ready
If you mean rhode island reds "reds" and buff orps "orps, you can tell the difference first by the leg color. RIR's will have yellow legs and orps have white. If there body style is the same it is because they are probably just hatchery stock not breeder quality.

Keep in mind that if they are molting they will not let roosters breed them, actually do everything in their power to say NO to the roos.
If they are at the beginning of the molt their feathers will still look o.k. for awhile till they start to shed them, or they could just be coming out of molt and have all new feathers hence the nice appearance. If she just got them and put them in her with other stock they may have come from a place that didn't have a rooster either. Something to think about.

Here are just a few pics of some of my orps
Project lavenders
Exhibition Black Rooster
7 week old pullet
My American orps (just sold a few of them)
Exhibition black orp hen

Those are some mighty pretty birds HT.
I volunteer to rehome them whenever you are ready

Thank you for the compliment.
If you are ever interested I do have some stock available:
I am over in the Hickory area which is NW of Charlotte.

I have gold cuckoo marans that are just about to pol (point of lay).
I check their pen everyday and it should be anytime now. It will be interesting to see what all hatches as gold is still a project in marans. My cockerel is carrying only one copy of the barred gene so he is going to produce some non-barred offspring but some really nice ones as well.
All of them are feather legged so a definite plus. He is also a very large cockerel for only 5 months old.



This is one of their hatch mates (he is for sale). One of the two extra I have available at the moment. He is 100% marans, would be interesting to cross him with a hen cuckoo or black copper and see what you get?? No his neck feathers are not muted, he was getting ready to shake when I snapped the pic.


If you want pure lav orps, my good friend has 10 chicks available right now and they are off my stock. She is closer to you too being in Lexington.
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