North Carolina

Thanks for the tips on skinning. We can't wait till cold weather though, too many roos. so I was thinking since we do the plucking outside that we'll use the cooler to put the now dead birds in while we work on them one at a time. Hopefully that will help keep down the flies. Of course the cooler will have ice in it. I forgot to say to NH [Ruthann] that i also make up a essential oils cocoction that helps with the biting insects. don't know if it will work on ticks though, but i use 2 teas. eucalyptus oil and 2 teas. lavender oil and put 6 oz. of distilled water in a spray bottle shake real good. Seems to keep the biting bugs at bay. I just have to use it often. Bhep, Thanks goodness dh does the dirty work, after thats done and I finish wiping my eyes, we get busy on getting the chicken stripped makes thinking about it a lot less painful. And I know that the Good Lord gave us meat to eat. I am just thankful I gave them a good life before it's done. When I was trying to teach my hens to lay in the nest boxes I used old golf balls, that my dh had brought home from when he worked as matience at a place called Mt.Air. They worked!!
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Just stopping in to say HI! Now I'm going back to sleep. No blood test results yet.
So glad you made it to the doc, vfem! I hope that you get good results back w/ a quick and easy fix for whatever is wrong!!!

HI to the rest of you, too! Hope hatching/processing/egg laying, and everything else goes well for everyone! Too busy to do much around here, but I'll keep checking in to see how you're all doing.

Vfem, please let me know if I can do anything! I'm not too far down the road. Good luck!!!
Since you can't wait, you could always process using one of those screen house tents that canbe set up most anywhere. That would limit the fly problem and give you some shade.

Thanks Coop, we don't have one but maybe one of our friend does.
Evening everyone!
We have all the chickens in the barn but one last group of four!!
More runs being built this week, can't wait. Hopefully the ceiling fans will get put up soon and we can put away all the box fans.
Finally getting everyone organized
and the juvi's are all growing out nicely.
I do have a few really nice looking bantam cochin cockerels looking for homes, one gorgeous blue and several blacks.
Kinda feels like Christmas AND Easter, doesn't it?

When I found my first two blue eggs last August, I did the Happy Dance. Now their daughters (from the Christmas Day hatch) are laying tiny blue eggs. Apparently the hatchery Ameracuana in the pen with them is laying the bluest egg of everyone! I put two RSL hens with my Silkie boys and they lay the richest brown eggs!

Hey, one day you may be able to tell who laid the egg by the color or the shape! Congratulations on the big girls!

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