North Carolina

NH, sorry Tink is pregnant. But it figures, right? At her young age her life is in danger. Grandma had adopted a brother and sister. The female was pregnant before Grandma even realized she had her first heat cycyle. "Marie" raised her six kittens until weaning age. Marie just laid down and died after acting very tired for a couple of days.

I'm not trying to scare you, just warning. This was back in the early 1970s, so most likely pet food is better these days.

In your situation I would get Kitten Chow and feed that to Tink. It will help to cover her nutritional needs better than an adult feed. I give Kitten Chow to my chickens when I think they need a boost. Kitten Chow is around 40% protein, regular adult food has less.
Congrats Ruthann!!! DD does live in a growing flock after all!
thank you ever so much everyone!! You all are too kind!!

GGCM & SCM - thank you for the suggestions on the mama "kitten". I will be sure to pick up some kitten food and look for that paste as well. We've been debating whether or not to take her and get her fixed now that she might be pregnant...DH still isn't convinced I am "right" about the, I told him in 60 days more or less, we could REALLY find out.
I fear if she carries them to term, she will not survive as she is nothing but skin and bones.
I've never been in this situation before. All I can say is
I'm patiently waiting to her what the rescue lady thinks.
Hoping for some good news one way or another!! I definitely do NOT want a litter of kittens bringing more predators towards the house....after all, they might stop off at the coop for a "snack"!!

BHep - I just finished reading the past posts....I am so sorry about Blind Bob!!
Just know you showered him with love and attention and he was given such a good life, however short it was. Take comfort in knowing you were a compassionate, loving caregiver!!
How are your kids doing with his passing?
to you all!!

Thanks again everyone. One month to go and I'll be past the "danger" zone and into the 2nd trimester!! I feel great (a little tired) but thankfully so far, no sickness or anything.
Guess I'm just waiting to go broody when my hens go broody!!
Loved that ML!!
Ruthann........... CONGRATULATION..
So happy for you & your family

We have named our new duckling Gump & Jenny
They are so quiet and calm, we love them. They will get some time outside today, but will come in at night, so we can bond & they can be safe.

We have hatching going on here today AGAIN
all bantam mixes from our birds. Some sizzles, NN bantam mixes & white Cochin.

SCM... Talking it over with the kids (the management team) they agreed to sell 2 EE hens, if your friends wants EEs. They should lay blueish eggs, since they hatched from them. They hatched 4/23/11.
Ruthann.... If it were me........... I would at least get her checked for the usual diseases. If she is clean, get her fixed, if not put her down. I agree with you, she is too young etc.

I recently found out that one of my cats has feline aids.
He is my first cat baby and is 13 years old. I have 5 other cats in the house. I have not had them tested, no point. I am sure they all have it by now. He would go out in the mornings for a few minutes, I have seen some ugly toms around. He had a fight way back with one months & months ago. That's how I suspect he got it. So now, no more cats added to this house, until the last one goes. And now they are all stuck inside, so not to spread it.

Good luck with Tink.
So sorry about your kitty.
I'm pretty paranoid about my own cat getting this. He sneaks out of the house from time to time, but I do my best to keep him in.
So sorry about your kitty.
I'm pretty paranoid about my own cat getting this. He sneaks out of the house from time to time, but I do my best to keep him in.

Speaking of cats look what one drug in..
and speaking in some kind of foreign language too.
Speaking of ducks, all of my eggs were bad.
There had been a bad/cracked egg on the nest and I think it might have killed the whole batch.... Worse yet, one cracked open in my full incubator and I'm fearing for my Marans and Polish that I just put into lockdown. Ugh. I hope it didn't ruin those....or the rest of my eggs. If anyone has some duck eggs or ducklings they want to sell, lemme know! <3

Sorry about your new kitty being pregnant but I'm sure if you brought a litter of new kittens to work with you....their cute and fuzzy faces would surely win over coworkers who have been wanting a cat. <3 I'm also jealous about the eggs!

Sorry about your cat!!! Is there anything that can really be done for feline aids? Can they live a relatively normal life still?

Quiet day here. Takng care of my crippled little peachick and the other chicks in between working around the house. Got 3 RIRs and 4 Porcelains from my first hatch. ^.^ Yay! They're so cute!

Miss Blu says good morning.
She gets a little upset that I don't let her follow me into the house.

Have a good day everyone.

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