North Carolina

Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes! It's been a wonderful day so far!

I am now the proud mommy of 5 beautiful baby Seramas! 3 are yellow, 1 is chipmunk, and 1 is grayish. They are the most adorable little chicks I've ever seen. Their little legs are so stubby and cute! And I have to say, they already have such sweet personalities. They are not skittish at all! I'll be raising them in a cage in my house (with a heat lamp) so they'll be used to people. I intend for them to be more of "pets" than my other chickens, and raising them in the house is a sure way to do that!

Any guess as to what colors they'll become?
Greetings from Greensboro!
Putting the finishing touches on a small coop, and about to start the run. Just waiting for my wonderful neighbor to hatch his eggs. ETA is 03/31/12 I think I may need therapy sessions before I start to plan a birthday party for them.
I just hope I get to see them the first day or so in order to help my neighbor sex them.

Hope everyone in NC is well!
Greetings from Greensboro!
Putting the finishing touches on a small coop, and about to start the run. Just waiting for my wonderful neighbor to hatch his eggs. ETA is 03/31/12 I think I may need therapy sessions before I start to plan a birthday party for them.
I just hope I get to see them the first day or so in order to help my neighbor sex them.

Hope everyone in NC is well
Will be looking for pics as soon as you get them over to your coop.
Hey everyone!!!

Becky, those chicks are adorable

Moores6, what a great looking coop!!

Had a really busy day today and still have much more to do. We went and picked up 10 hens, 2 roosters, and 3 ducks ( male and female Pekin and a female Mallard ) this morning. Spent at least an hour trying to get the coop that came with them onto the trailer. Where was the video camera when you need it
We didn't realize how heavy it was!!!! After trying and failing many times we decided to leave it. So now we have to start building another coop this evening!
Already picked up the roofing and wood, we have decided to build a coop for the Ducks and then one for the Chickens. How big should the coop for the ducks be?? They can all fit in our coop until we get the new ones done, it's just a little snug. We also have 5 duck eggs ( 4 pekin and one mallard ) Which I have a question about. Do you think the Mallards egg if fertile?? I really want to hatch the duck eggs
But we still have no incubator!!!
We have a friend who said we could use his little incubator, but someone else has it right now, and he doesn't know if they are done with it. How long can eggs stay out before they have to be put in an incubator??? Like we actually need more ducks
Well I'm off to feed the chicks, hope everyone has a good night!!!!
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Pulled the egg turner and increased humidity on 40 assorted Orpingtons and one turkey egg.
Also set up a new pen to move the meat chicks into, so I can separate them from their Orpington agemates which are half their size. Just letting the waterer settle to make sure it's not leaking. Saturday morning will be the big move for them and the birthday for a bunch of chicks. Hopefully they'll be finished in time to take any black ones to WCA with the turkeys. I won't have a clue if they are homozygous or heterozygous since they're all running together. I'll know the blues will be Bb and the splash bb, but those will be all I'll keep. I've even pretty much decided to get rid of all the buffs. I think I want lemon cuckoos. The current roo clinched it for me. He attacks the blue and black hens. His daddy was awesome and he's handsome, but I don't like him. So the buffs will be gone as soon as their replacements start laying.

Chicken plans. They keep a-changing....
Hey everyone!!!

Becky, those chicks are adorable

Moores6, what a great looking coop!!

Had a really busy day today and still have much more to do. We went and picked up 10 hens, 2 roosters, and 3 ducks ( male and female Pekin and a female Mallard ) this morning. Spent at least an hour trying to get the coop that came with them onto the trailer. Where was the video camera when you need it
We didn't realize how heavy it was!!!! After trying and failing many times we decided to leave it. So now we have to start building another coop this evening!
Already picked up the roofing and wood, we have decided to build a coop for the Ducks and then one for the Chickens. How big should the coop for the ducks be?? They can all fit in our coop until we get the new ones done, it's just a little snug. We also have 5 duck eggs ( 4 pekin and one mallard ) Which I have a question about. Do you think the Mallards egg if fertile?? I really want to hatch the duck eggs
But we still have no incubator!!!
We have a friend who said we could use his little incubator, but someone else has it right now, and he doesn't know if they are done with it. How long can eggs stay out before they have to be put in an incubator??? Like we actually need more ducks
Well I'm off to feed the chicks, hope everyone has a good night!!!!

I thought someone in your family was allergic to ducks? doesn't sound that way now lol sounds like ya'll were very busy today..
Greetings from Greensboro!
Putting the finishing touches on a small coop, and about to start the run.  Just waiting for my wonderful neighbor to hatch his eggs.  ETA is 03/31/12 I think I may need therapy sessions before I start to plan a birthday party for them. 
I just hope I get to see them the first day or so in order to help my neighbor sex them.

Hope everyone in NC is well!

Must have pictures!! ;) We love to see the new chickies here. Welcome, glad you are here.
Coops almost done! Still going to put vinyl on the floor and hang the feeders. Any suggestions or ideas for improvements?

The "gals" or whatever they are


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