North Carolina

First of all I am loving the pink kitchen. We are remodeling the hosue we live in right now and I wanted to do a pink and green watermelon kitchen but that got vetoed real quick. I dont want the standand chickens or apples or whatever. I think we are going with yellow and green lemon lime theme. Get the picture that I like birght stuff? lol

On sadder news my chicken flock has been devastated. An unknown predator, fox or raccoon took two young pullet cochins a few days apart. Out of my flock they didnt have the greatest survival instinct to begin with. I liked them though because they would come up to you and were easy to pick up. Anyways, gone in midday, puff of feathers, and then a small trail that dissapears at the end of the woods. I still am going crazy that I loose the trail once they enter the woods. As fluffy as cochins are I really think I should be able to find feathers in all the briars and brush. Anyways they must have came again night before last and whatever it was angered my dad's hunting dogs enough that they busted out of thier fence. I see logic in the dogs not caring abotu whatever came during the day because they are usually sleeping and they get hunted at night. These dogs are 5 years old and have never tried to escape. One time part of the fence broke and they stood there with a stupid look on thier face sort of afraid to leave thier safety zone. So yeah, whatever this was drove them mad and they interupted it's little killing spree on my juvinile coop. I am assuming it got away because they are trained to leave the animal alone after they kill it and I cant find any bodies anywhere. So I was leaning very heavily towards fox, but the damage to my juvinile coop looks kinda raccoonish. It's a 4x6 rectangle boxed in with 1x4s and surrounded by quarter inch mesh with some pieces of wood layed on the top and leaned against the side for shade. The mesh is ripped from the frame and the bottom is busted out of it. This coop is about 2 foot off the ground right next to my adult coop. There are no scratches or dig marks around my adult coop. I tend to think of foxes as diggers, would they come up into a coop lifted off the ground?

Also, once I get this predator thing figured out and coops rebuilt and stronger I will be wanting to get more chickens. I'd like to get them at least 6-8 weeks old. Is there a time a year when chickens that age are more availible than others, like a season?
Mary, gorgeous floors!

Today is yet another lazy day for me. I fed the chickens and watered the garden earlier. I think I'm going to putz around the house for awhile, write a blog post or 2 and then after dinner get to jamming. Too HOT to can now!

The chickens are doing well today, brought them some lettuce and grapes this morning, it didn't feel too bad, so I didn't bother to put the sprinkler on them. My daughter is out in it now, I'm sure she'll move it over to the chickens area eventually because she's already dragged it all over the rest of the yard in the last 45 minutes. Not looking forward to my water bill this month.
Thanks for all the rave reviews of my floor... it took me 23 years to get it...
So, I guess I danged better enjoy it.

But I love it...
DH outdid himself... it took him 3 days. Drove me crazy not having my kitchen/livingroom in order... but "hey" we all make sacrifices.

I wish this heat would go back to Hades and stay put. Sorry about everyone's losses.
OK, all you smart chicken people, I need your expert opinions. I'm posting pictures of a BLRW that I bought thinking it was a pullet but I'm thinking otherwise now considering it's waddles and comb are redder and growing faster than the others. What do ya'll think?

Here is a picture of one of the others that I bought at the same time for comparison.

Now to throw in another mystery, this is a picture of another one that I bought at the same time, same age, and she or he? is growing SO SLOW....any ideas on that? I named this one Nugget and it is the SWEETEST little thing! I spoil her though because she's so small. This is Nugget beside the possible roo. What do ya'll think?

OK, all you smart chicken people, I need your expert opinions. I'm posting pictures of a BLRW that I bought thinking it was a pullet but I'm thinking otherwise now considering it's waddles and comb are redder and growing faster than the others. What do ya'll think?

Here is a picture of one of the others that I bought at the same time for comparison.

Now to throw in another mystery, this is a picture of another one that I bought at the same time, same age, and she or he? is growing SO SLOW....any ideas on that? I named this one Nugget and it is the SWEETEST little thing! I spoil her though because she's so small. This is Nugget beside the possible roo. What do ya'll think?

How old are they?
Good pre-Independance Day everyone. I hope you all have a great day...I am HOPING to get some sewing accomplished, as it's been too hot to do things I NEED to do (like make bread) and I refuse to turn the AC down any further!! We have been very fortunate as we had no losses with this horrid heat wave, and I am ashamed to say I didn't do much throughout the day to help ease them with the weather. I was just too busy with my 2 that I would mean to do it, but never got around to it. I guess that means those of you who brought me chickens and/or eggs have really good stock!!

Still going to be HOT all this week, so try to stay cool and comfortable!!

Mary - I think I will just curl up and live under your'll hardly notice I am there!!
LOL...Great job Bennie on the floors, they look REALLY beautiful!!
Good morning all!

I wanted to share all the jam I knocked out last night. :) We're going to pick more blackberries on Saturday and do it again. Figs should be ready next.
Good morning all!

I wanted to share all the jam I knocked out last night. :) We're going to pick more blackberries on Saturday and do it again. Figs should be ready next.
I'm jealous. Last late frost got our blackberries and raspberries this year. Nothing to put up at all.
The fig trees are too small still to give me enough to put up. So are the apple trees. But the pears made it through the late frost and are loaded to the gills. I really should thin them...but I won't. And it looks like a good year for both pecans and hazelnuts. Thankfully, I've never had everything fail; there's always something to fill the pantry with!

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