North Carolina

Hi all, sorry I have not visited for a while but life has been a little crazy here.. I have been sick for over a week, the heat and looking after outside birds has not helped.... But I am here and am the proud father of 12 Swedish Flower hen chicks!
Hi guys!! Haven't posted in a while but have been here reading most days. I am so sorry for all the losses, both from preditors and the heat. Mary, so sorry about Doodle Bug, but boy is her grandbaby cute!!!! And, as far as kittens go..........personally have NEVER seen one I didn't love!!

We have been busy moving everyone around!! The ducks are now finally out at the pond!!
We first fenced in an area with both water and bank, but today, we removed it and they have the whole pond to swim in!! So pretty to look out and see them so happy!!

The 20 buffs and EE's are now free ranging in the back yard. The buffs are so friendly, and the EE's are so pretty. Not a single one looks alike. I can't hardly walk in the yard as they swarm me!! Yes, i do most always bring treats out!!

Mama Cochin and her 5 babies are now in what used to be the duck kennel, and are happy to have more space and lots of grass too! So, then....the Wyndotte chicks are now in the grow out coop!!

We have had bad luck with our goats. We had 2 Boers, a girl and a boy. We also had 2 unknown breed, much larger than the 9 month olds. Well, one of the big girls was just mean. so we found her a new home. All was OK for a while, then the other big one gored Curly the boy. My husband was so angry, that he disposed of her immediately. As I am a nurse, we tended him best we could. It looked like a bad flesh wound, but I think he got septic, and he passed. So, we have one lone Lolly goat. She goes from coop/pen to coop and has now decided to stay in with the Cochin roo's. If only she wouldn't eat my flowers, she could run free!!

We are getting about a dozen eggs a day, a little less with the heat, but I think that is good. I have a nice little business with the guys I work with, can't bring in enough!! Ya'll stay cool, good luck at WCA tomorrow, too hot for me!!


What a smart puppy to find a wet spot in the heat! So sorry for the loss of Doodlebug, but congrats on the mini-doodle.
I just had to share this pic of my little escape artist. This little guy gets out almost everyday, tonight he will roost on top of the run and I will put him on the roost proper. He is one of the sweet little araucanas that I have been trying to integrate without any luck so far.

Think if he survives me I will call him Houdini! Also I have settled on my BO's sex I am 95% sure that I have 6 girls and 2 boys WHOOHOO!

Hope everyone has an awesome weekend!
Mary, I'm sorry about your DoodleBug, but she made lovely grandbabies. It's hard to lose a friend, but it helps when you gain a new one.

(I'm thinking this new pup may end up being just a tad spoiled.)

I see this pup ending up being spoilt, too!
I already take her with me, when I let her mommy out to peepee... just so she doesn't get lonely while her momma is gone.

. Oh Mary how bittersweet. Maybe you could name her grandbaby Little DoodleBug or something in remembrance of the birth and passing that they share together.

I named her "Angel".

Hi all, sorry I have not visited for a while but life has been a little crazy here.. I have been sick for over a week, the heat and looking after outside birds has not helped.... But I am here and am the proud father of 12 Swedish Flower hen chicks!

I hope you get to feeling better and congrats on the SFH!

What a smart puppy to find a wet spot in the heat! So sorry for the loss of Doodlebug, but congrats on the mini-doodle.
I just had to share this pic of my little escape artist. This little guy gets out almost everyday, tonight he will roost on top of the run and I will put him on the roost proper. He is one of the sweet little araucanas that I have been trying to integrate without any luck so far.

Think if he survives me I will call him Houdini! Also I have settled on my BO's sex I am 95% sure that I have 6 girls and 2 boys WHOOHOO!

Hope everyone has an awesome weekend!

Cute little fella.
HT- such beautiful girls, with such evil stares :lau
The bantam mix orps I got from you, started laying, and I put 6 eggs in the bator, and had 2 hatch on July 4th. One is black and one is a pretty cream color with white!
Good Morning everyone!! Those of you braving the heat to go to WCA, I hope you have a wonderfully successful time!!

HT - as always BEAUTIFUL girls!! I do love the "excuse ME" look you are getting though!! LOL.

Chicken news: I have been enjoying watching a few of the chickens "mature" and I am beginning to see some of the boys start looking more like boys!! One even stretches his neck and walks around with his head held high - as if he's declaring I am KING of my brothers & sisters!! However, I think the best BEST part of it all is watching Alpha Hen (my BO, Jemimah) fluff herself up (in which she becomes HUGE) start clicking and if a chick gets too close, she bats it with a wing!! I have never seen such a "gentle" instruction on pecking order. Sadly, (for some unknown reasons) my Cochin Olivia (the mama with only one lone roo chick, who is no longer a chick, but still clinging to mama's apron feathers) is the low LOW one in the pecking order. The second rooster gets more attention than she does. I am not sure why they decided to single her out or start excluding her, but they have. I fear they have never really accepted her back into the flock once she had her chick...
The two of them stay as far away from the rest of the flock as possible - they have actually been hanging around with/following the stray mama cat (I suspect that's because she is an avid hunter and is teaching her kittens to hunt and thus always bringing some type of dead thing back).

Funny story: I was outside hanging up laundry when I hear this AWFUL sound (it was a squeal like nothing I have ever heard before) and our Alpha rooster starts yelling up a storm and running around the coop in circles. I have NO idea what is going on, but fear that something is attacking one of the chicks or hens in the broad day light. I rush inside and tell DH to grab his gun as I think something's out there attacking a chicken. He is outside in a matter of moments (giddy with excitement at the prospect of shooting his gun...LOL). Cautiously I walk close to the coop while Jeremy (the rooster) is still running and just "hollering". After about 5 minutes, we give up as we see NOTHING. Still unsettled, I call all the chickens to the deck (where they frequently get treats) and do a head count. NO ONE is missing but no explanation as to what made that noise. DH and I go back to doing our summer cleaning (I wanted to do some rearranging and we HAD to rearrange our living room as we are getting a baby grand piano - willed to me by my LIVING aunt...crazy, but anyway). A few hours later, DH tells me to go outside and look under the deck stairs, as he is certain he found the cause of the horrid noise. Fearing a dead chicken, I rush outside to see..... a legless squirrel being devoured by a group of kittens and a mama cat! Apparently mama cat was hunting the squirrel who was trying to eat it's way into our feed bin (unsuccessfully I might add), I heard her attack it and she then brought it back to her "den" (aka under our porch stairs) when we were inside. It was rather neat to watch mama cat teach her kittens how to "properly" eat a carcass and such, but it was also slightly see the chickens try to sneak in there and peck at it.
Funniest bit...the chickens are AFRAID of the runt of the litter. She is a bold, sassy little thing and whenever one of the chickens tried to come in to peck at the squirrel, she would puff herself up and "spit" at them...then they would back off. Mama cat ignores the chickens unless they bother one of her babies, but even then all she does is hiss and that is enough to have them running. I am thankful for this "mighty" huntress so long as she does NOT eat my guineas....then again, how are my guineas going to cope with a stray cat?!? This is gearing up to be quite an adventure!!

Have a great day everyone!!
Good Morning everyone!! Those of you braving the heat to go to WCA, I hope you have a wonderfully successful time!!

HT - as always BEAUTIFUL girls!! I do love the "excuse ME" look you are getting though!! LOL.

Chicken news: I have been enjoying watching a few of the chickens "mature" and I am beginning to see some of the boys start looking more like boys!! One even stretches his neck and walks around with his head held high - as if he's declaring I am KING of my brothers & sisters!! However, I think the best BEST part of it all is watching Alpha Hen (my BO, Jemimah) fluff herself up (in which she becomes HUGE) start clicking and if a chick gets too close, she bats it with a wing!! I have never seen such a "gentle" instruction on pecking order. Sadly, (for some unknown reasons) my Cochin Olivia (the mama with only one lone roo chick, who is no longer a chick, but still clinging to mama's apron feathers) is the low LOW one in the pecking order. The second rooster gets more attention than she does. I am not sure why they decided to single her out or start excluding her, but they have. I fear they have never really accepted her back into the flock once she had her chick...
The two of them stay as far away from the rest of the flock as possible - they have actually been hanging around with/following the stray mama cat (I suspect that's because she is an avid hunter and is teaching her kittens to hunt and thus always bringing some type of dead thing back).

Funny story: I was outside hanging up laundry when I hear this AWFUL sound (it was a squeal like nothing I have ever heard before) and our Alpha rooster starts yelling up a storm and running around the coop in circles. I have NO idea what is going on, but fear that something is attacking one of the chicks or hens in the broad day light. I rush inside and tell DH to grab his gun as I think something's out there attacking a chicken. He is outside in a matter of moments (giddy with excitement at the prospect of shooting his gun...LOL). Cautiously I walk close to the coop while Jeremy (the rooster) is still running and just "hollering". After about 5 minutes, we give up as we see NOTHING. Still unsettled, I call all the chickens to the deck (where they frequently get treats) and do a head count. NO ONE is missing but no explanation as to what made that noise. DH and I go back to doing our summer cleaning (I wanted to do some rearranging and we HAD to rearrange our living room as we are getting a baby grand piano - willed to me by my LIVING aunt...crazy, but anyway). A few hours later, DH tells me to go outside and look under the deck stairs, as he is certain he found the cause of the horrid noise. Fearing a dead chicken, I rush outside to see..... a legless squirrel being devoured by a group of kittens and a mama cat! Apparently mama cat was hunting the squirrel who was trying to eat it's way into our feed bin (unsuccessfully I might add), I heard her attack it and she then brought it back to her "den" (aka under our porch stairs) when we were inside. It was rather neat to watch mama cat teach her kittens how to "properly" eat a carcass and such, but it was also slightly see the chickens try to sneak in there and peck at it.
Funniest bit...the chickens are AFRAID of the runt of the litter. She is a bold, sassy little thing and whenever one of the chickens tried to come in to peck at the squirrel, she would puff herself up and "spit" at them...then they would back off. Mama cat ignores the chickens unless they bother one of her babies, but even then all she does is hiss and that is enough to have them running. I am thankful for this "mighty" huntress so long as she does NOT eat my guineas....then again, how are my guineas going to cope with a stray cat?!? This is gearing up to be quite an adventure!!

Have a great day everyone!!
Rabbit's can also scream/squeal like you wouldn't believe. Chickens respect attitude alot more then size from what I've seen. Have fun with your new rodent control.
Waiting for updates.
Good Morning, Everyone!

Another toasty day coming up! Stay cool!

The two weak chicks I had that have hardly grown since hatching finally both died last night. I've debated putting them down, but figured I'd give them a chance. Now I'm feeling like I should have gone ahead and put them down.

We finally got those two 6 x 10 x 6 kennels home yesterday. They aren't 6 x 10 x 6. They are 7.5 x 12.5 x 6. Lots of possibilities for those, and I'm still planning.

Hope everyone has a great day!

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