Not A Poll Just Curious

No after chicken math got hold.... we quickly expanded into other breeds. Current layer flock, are some blue egg layers mixed in with some layers day choice pullets.

We still have a wee bit of our silkies from forever ago, who just got "friends" some sebright's because of my Son's ex company who likes to yank at a kids love of animals..:rant(they also came with some wynadottes, easter eggs and some black, and red layers..)

I've also had many other actual breeds(including heritage) over the years but my predator factor is to high here requiring me to have a high level of replacements each year, so i have ceased investing big bucks into birds.

So long and short of it, no we have pretty much always had multiple breeds.
I have a mixed variety. I free-range my pullets and hens, but keep my breeding cockerels/roosters together in the bachelor barn that has two attached but enclosed runs. When I get ready to hatch, I put select hens with a specific chosen rooster in the love shack (enclosed coop and run) for a few days, then return them to their respective flocks, before collecting the eggs.
We're just starting out this year but looking at what would be required for making longer-term sustainable flock plans... this sounds really good. Wondering how the artificial incubator system works vs waiting for broody hens to do the work - are you doing it this way to more precisely control the outcomes? Do you sell the hatches?
I love the variety of colors, personalities, and egg shades in a mixed breed flock! But I also breed.

I currently don't have chickens but when I restart I plan to get back my Barred Holland breeding flock (who lay white and off-white eggs). Then I'll get some Ameraucanas or Easter/Olive Eggers, Speckled Sussex, and maybe a couple Madam crosses. This way I'll get blue-green, brown, dark brown, and whitish eggs but not be confused on who's are who's.
Do you enjoy/have a mixed flock of different breeds or do you keep one breed? Me, I like to have at the most 2 breeds keeping them segregated and rotating free range. At this time I have Blk Aus but the pull of getting back to some RIRs , my all time favorite is really gnawing at me.
Fellow Eggers.

I am now at the beginning of my 3rd year. I lost all but one of my first flock of 12 to raptors here in Montana. I was open ranging my girls, which was an amazing pleasure to watch, but after losing 4 girls in a day, I realized I needed to find a way to protect them from the Hawks here in the Flathead Valley.

I personally like the diversity of a mixed flock with mixed egg colors and sizes but it does come with the challenges of finding breeds that can somewhat tolerate each other.

This last winter in MT was a bit colder, and a bit longer than usual and my girls picked on each other much more than I have seen in the past so I wound up with a lot of butt feather loss. They are naturally recovering slowly this summer here in Montana but (pun intended) I was worried for a while.

I currently run Rhode Island Reds, Red Starlink, and Barred Rock. They collectively are laying enormous eggs, 2.5 + ounce eggs. Some eggs do not fit into normal egg cartons you get at the store. That is not a complaint but I do have to adjust for the few eggs I sell. BL: I eat the big ones, delicious.

However, as a newbie to this venture, I would appreciate your experienced advice on breeds that seem more tolerant of each other. I intend to expand my flock next year.

Best Egg. Scott
I've not really got a preference but at the moment I have a mixed flock of 11. Two Exchequer Leghorn Cockerel's 5 Exchequer pullets, 3 Black Star hens and 1 Black Laced Wyandotte Banty hen. All the Leghorns will be a year old end of July. I only keep the Banty because she is a good mum, I got the 7 Exchequer chicks at a week old & tucked them under her when she was broody. I will do the same again this year when she goes broody just to keep restocking the flock.
I have only had Black Australorps. I have a small flock (5 at most) and have to keep them in a covered 10’ X 14’ run to protect them from predators. When I lose 2 or 3 from various reasons (never predators) I find it easier to integrate pullets of same breed. Minimum issues with bullying- it is such a sweet breed and they settle in together quickly. And they have proven to be great egg layers.
Since we retired I gave up my flock so we could travel for two years. Now that we've resettled my new neighborhood allows chickens so I may start up a small 3 hen flock again.
I have always preferred gentle breeds. So I've always done my research as best as possible pre purchase. Usually got Easter Eggers, Orpingtons, or Australorps. I've never hesitated to mix the breeds in my flock since I usually don't breed for chicks. While I've had 2 good roosters they've been the exception rather than the rule so I avoid roosters. Not that I haven't had a good many "Surprise! It's a boy" events. Sexed chicks my granny fanny.
Do you enjoy/have a mixed flock of different breeds or do you keep one breed? Me, I like to have at the most 2 breeds keeping them segregated and rotating free range. At this time I have Blk Aus but the pull of getting back to some RIRs , my all time favorite is really gnawing at me.
I have always loved having a mixed flock, at least 2 of each kind, with sometimes 6 different types. They get a long fine and I get to know their personalities better because they do not all look the same.
Do you enjoy/have a mixed flock of different breeds or do you keep one breed? Me, I like to have at the most 2 breeds keeping them segregated and rotating free range. At this time I have Blk Aus but the pull of getting back to some RIRs , my all time favorite is really gnawing at me.
I have a mostly Frankenstein Flock. They started segregated but now share the nine different coop/runs. I let them roam together and they don’t always return to where they started. The exception is I have a group of blue and green egg layers that I keep separate. And a couple ducks, bantam roo and Jersey Giant roo think they’re Silkies and hang out in their coop/run.
Yes I do like having different varieties. I don’t segregate them by breed but i do put the small,docile ones together inside with a fenced pen and the bigger,sturdier varieties are more free range.i have silkies,sultans,turkens,ayam cemani,Mille de fleur,ameracauna,lavender Orpington.I think there’s a few more I can’t recall breed name. my husband just brought home a lone sad chick a from the feed store that was cold and scared , it’s going to be large whatever it is.we eat the eggs, give them away. Every few years I’ll incubate some and they always come out cute , even the mixes. It’s a personal preference I think.

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