We got 6 new hens 2 weeks ago from a gentleman who said they were about 2 years old. We haven't been getting only but 2 eggs a day average from them and we started to wonder what was going on.(the guy we got them from said that he was getting eggs every day from them right up until we got them from him) This girl has been considerably bigger than the others and just layed around all doesn't move much and when we started to look closer to her we noticed her bottom was very swollen and hard and red. we read that it could possibly be egg bound so we gave her a warm bath and nothing happened. we gave her another bath today then went looking with a finger for an egg because it definitely felt like one was in there from the outside. we did not find an egg.. we are really not sure what to do next. she is very lethargic and has had the runs no solid poop in two days since we have separated her. Any ideas on what to do next? or what might be wrong with her?