not fair!!-just need to vent

fafsa is a challenge if your parents make $$

My sons gf lives with us now, she has to pay all school costs on her own, but her parents income disqualify her from aid.

On the other hand, my lack of income helps my son to qualify.
Ok, I looked it up. You must be 24 to file the fafsa a an independent student. There's other ways as wel but none apply in her situation.

Sooo, do you turn 24 anytime soon? Or would your mom/parents (I'm not sure what your situation is) be willing to fill out the fafsa as well?
There is something I used to say when I was young and a single mom to 3 kids and was working part-time and going to school full time it got me through some very tough times (this to shall pass) keep telling yourself that and it helps get you to the next step. Since your landlord is a friend of your mom's maybe he would have a smaller place that you could rent on your own. Talk to him and see it sounds like you are getting used. Get a back account and don't talk to your mom or sister about it. Dump the boyfriend if he does not want to be seen with you he is not worthy of you. Start checking into local community collages. Also check with the lock social services they can help since you have an illness there are a lot of programs out there to help people with problems. Your sister is being emotionally abusive to you and you need to get into some form of counseling to help deal with this. There are also grants for people to open businesses. Maybe talk to your vet about selling some basic items out of your home. Make it a home-based business this might be a way to help start up the business then you can rent a store. Keep your head up and start making plans for yourself and stop carrying your mom and sister's issues those are their problems not yours. You need to get out on your own. Good luck and I will keep you in my prayers. If you ever need to talk feel free to Pm me.
im 22 my 23rd birthday is in june but i just say im 23 becuase otherwise for weeks after my birthday i still say 22. my mom doesnt have any income whatso ever does that matter?
i would love to go to an actually collage and get the h-e-l-l out of here but i worry about my pets i mean i could give away my fish which i have already and i could get rid of my tortiose but i just wont give up my cats for nothing. i truly belive they were God sent. i know it sounds silly but when we moved up north i was 8 and i had to give up my cat and my mom promised me i could get another kitten. so everynight i prayed to God every night to send me a little orange female kitten and i would name her ginger. after we moved a female grey tabby cat who was heavily pregnant kept showing up she was very sweet and i decided i wanted one of her kittens. we found theo wners and asked them if i could have one after they were born she said yes. so i waited after she had them i went to talk to the owners who told us they had no idea where had had them so i went home dissapointed but a few weeks later i walked hailey(the momma cat named becuase she was born under haileys comet) up to her house and when we got there a little orange kitten ran out to greet hailey but ran away from me. after talking to the owners about it it wasnt long and they had caught her for me she was an orange female kitten and i named her...ginger. and she clung to me she still does she wont allow anyone else to pet her not that she is nervous she just wont accept anyone else to give her affection. a week after ginger came along hailey left us a suprise on our back porch it was ginger brother whom we named buddy and the last of the kittens. buddy always stayed "wild" so to speak its only been these past 4 years that he has begun to warm up to me and my mom and he is 13 years old so i know if he went to a shelter he would be put to sleep becuase he wouldnt warm up to anyone else. and ginger would i know for a fact would probably starve herself to death if i ever left ehr becuase she wont eat when i go to my bf overnight she is healthy just doesnt always eat if im gone longer then a few days she goes into a depression and will not leave my bed except to use the litter box. and the last kitty Emaline we got a year after buddy and ginger my sister brought her home but she turned into my cat becuase my sister wouldnt car for her she is so attactched to buddy so motherly toward him i know seperating them would be disastorious to both of them. im not exgerateing about ginger though she is very protective of me if i fight with someone in front of her she will attack them and has before. i had a dog a few years ago that became very aggressive a bull terrier super strong dog 3 times her size who growled at me she attacked it to the point htat the dog was frightend of her.
Your animals can go with you to school, lots of college students have pets! I lived with 2 large dogs, birds and fish. Once you decide which school you would like to go to start talking with a financial advisor and they can tell you everything you need to know about paying for school. Then start looking for landlords that allow pets. It may take some time, but there are plenty of them. Also, start looking for a job. It would be great to go to school with a job lined up for when you get there!
Don't be fooled into thinking there are millions of dollars in grants for people wanting to open up their own business. That is untrue. Grants are very rare for new business owners. Do you know how many people would be employed if they could just get "free" money from out of the blue to open their own business?
Actually i have made some plans here and there not about collage but about opening a bussiness.
theres a building in the town i live the perfect building actually has an upstairs apartment i actually love this building so much that a few eyars ago i went inside and pretended to be in the market for a building(though obviously i wasnt) and had a look around it and even took some photos and was given some info on the building which has all new heating system,wire work and plumbing when i went to look at the building it was 69,900. and every year the price has gone down becuase of the economy last year it was marked down to 48,000 it does need a paint job and the stairs leading into the basement need to be taken out and rebuildt completly but thats pretty minimal for the price. but if i have a job for a year then ill be able to start taking out loans i figure first take out a small 500 dolalr loan and dont spend the money pay it right back within about 3 weeks second loan 1000 again dont spend just pay it right back so on and so forth. and also my boyfreind has like near eprfect credit and told me he would co-sign for me after i had a good job. my bf has had a few decent sized loans and has paid them all back about 3-5 months early so he doesnt even had to fill out paperwork for his last loan of 5,000 dollars he went into the bank came out 15 min later with the money so that would help me alot too.

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