Not going to be a victim

Screw him. Shame she didn't open him up too. Instead, me and every other taxpaying Oklahoman get to foot the bill for his stay behind The Wall. We don't BS around down here....someone gets shot and killed legally, the surviving offender is gonna pay.

Still I don't care if I am assassinating the president. Don't put a crime on me I didn't commit.

State law says he DID commit the crime simply by being a participant.
Who is to say what the other guys motives were? too bad he did not come in also... she had 2 guns.
Most states have laws that make all persons involved in a crime responsible for the injury or death of anyone during the course of that crime. One of the intruders was killed; that equates to murder in this case, and therefore according to state law, the accomplice can and should be charged. If you dislike that, work to get the sgtatute changed. Don;t expect many to be sympathetic to you, though. Consider it this way--what if instead of the victim doing the shooting, imagined that she or her infant were killed. Would you still think that the accomplice should not be charged with their deaths?
I say good for her and good for Oklahoma for letting people defend themselves!

I am sick of laws where the criminal or his family can actually sue you if they get hurt while committing a crime. Or, when someone defends themselves against an attack.
When the intruder is dead, there is only 1 side of the story
My mom was advised of that years ago in WV.
I'm also a firm believer in "Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6"
They may have been there for the meds,but 2 men high on drugs with a captive woman would not have ended well for the mom and baby. Look what happened to the Petit family. They gave thousands and they were still raped and killed. I feel no sympathy for either men.
Ya I'm not sure he deserved DEATH, maybe losing a leg or something and spending years behind bars YES, but when you think about it, coming between a momma and her newborn is like coming between, well, a moose and her baby or a bear and her baby so ya I feel great respect for that woman
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When the intruder is dead, there is only 1 side of the story
My mom was advised of that years ago in WV.
I'm also a firm believer in "Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6"

What choice did she have? If I was with my kids and some nutter was breaking the door down believe me I wouldn't wait around to see what happened next

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