Not Laying - Getting Worried....

I had hens stop laying in a horse stall, but it was because I didn't leave the lights on long enough. When you keep chickens indoors, you have to make sure they get enough light. You said yours were out during the day, so they should have access to plenty of light.

How many hours of light are they getting?(daylight and artificial)

They get zero artificial light. They are allowed out for about 11 hours a day. The horse stall isn't totally dark. We have a raised center isle barn and the stall they are in is on the end so light comes in from the end door and the stall it's self has a window (the window is on the shady side of the barn). Should I leave them out longer? I have found that Orangie (Buff Orpington) will fly up and over the stall door so she out a longer than Red (Welsummer). Red tends to stay in the stall. She is much more shy than Orangie.

Sorry we are terrible at naming pets... we also have a cat named Fuzzy kitty
I have a pair of barred rock cochins that made a year old in April and she has only laid about 6 eggs total since I got her. I bought her when she was a chick from the feed store. I got one egg last week and that is the first one in months. They are kept by themselves. I feed them laying pellets and some chopped or whole corn. I also give them grass. I have a nest box in there for her, but she just won't lay. I don't know what to do with her.

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