not ready to sit

turkey lover

10 Years
Mar 12, 2013
so my turkey has lay ed 8 eggs an she still is up just a walking around,i don't ever see her sit on the eggs,I'm wondering if she is going to i don't want to have to buy a bator,as we get so busy i just want her to do it,is there any hope she will start to sit soon,its been ten days since first egg has been lay-ed,any thoughts out there
does anyone knw if the first ones she layed will go bad by the time she lay,s 20,or what is the hatch rait,of this its my first year with turkeys an so i just dont know
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No they won't go bad. They can last a log time. They will only go bad if the bird started brooding them and then gave up and then went back days later.
we just found three eggs from our bourbon reds. it is only in the mid twenties at night. should we pick them up and hold them, or just leave them out there? any help will be appreciated. thank you.
One of our eastern wild hens hatched a batch of eggs last fall. We live in saskatchewan Canada and the temps were averaging around 10 degrees Celsius. She was up walking around until she had 13 eggs laid. She ended up hatching out 4 chicks with temperatures dropping below 0 Celsius at night with no problems.
this is encouraging,,i love the web page i have been able to learn so much from so many people,thanks its great to be able to ask questions an get answers,thanks every one.
well my girl has lay ed 9 eggs now i i saw her sit for a couple min on eggs i sure hope this is a good sign no she was just laying a egg,but she is turning them so she must be watching them she has covered them with feathers an a little straw,so maybe a few more eggs we will see,
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Anyone here that has experience with a broody turkey hen?
I've been collecting the turkey eggs, and put about19 in the incubator, but now I would like one
of my turkey hens to brood some eggs. Do you think if I collect a dozen or so eggs, and then put
them in the turkey nesting box one of the hens will attempt to brood these eggs?
well we are up to 11 eggs still not sitting evan at night,she just perches,an looks,at the eggs

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