Not sure if chick needs my help??


5 Years
Sep 13, 2014
Bannockburn Vic Aust
I've just hatched my first SLW in my new incubator. It's been a long night cos he hatched from wrong end. But with bit of help he is now out. He still has bit of yolk attached and he's trying to move around and stand up. Will that told dry up and fall off or do I need to help remove it?? He's moving around banging in to other eggs starting to hatch. Is this ok?? Thanks in advance.
this is my sixth hatch and for the first time I had not one but two that piped from the wrong end. the first one hatched on its own the second didnt after almost 16 hours it started chirping loudly so i helped it out a bit, it had absorbed all its blood and its yolk sack. but it is weak. there is nothing more I can do and I know it sounds harsh, but it will live or die. the attached cord should dry up and fall off, if its moving around then thats a good sign!! congrats!!!!!
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and yes, its perfectly normal for them to play havoc in the bator with the other eggs, I will remove chicks like I did tonight when there are too many and i can no longer tell which egg has piped and which one hasn't
Thanks for the help. We now have four that've hatched. How long is it ideal to leave them in the incubator after hatching? I've taken 2 out that hatched today cos they were jumping all over the ones just pipping and trying to hatch.
Thanks for the help. We now have four that've hatched. How long is it ideal to leave them in the incubator after hatching? I've taken 2 out that hatched today cos they were jumping all over the ones just pipping and trying to hatch.

I really believe the hatching or hatched chicks help the others, when I woke up there were six chicks hatched and two more zipping, I sat and watched and one of those chicks seemed to explode from that shell, right before it hatched the other six chicks started chirping loudly and jumping around. When I remove chicks and reposition there is a sense of calm and the other eggs don't seem to move around as much... I guess the best way to think about it is in nature, the broody hen doesn't remove newly hatched chicks

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