Not Sure if You've Got a Pullet or a Cockerel? Click here! thread 3

(Patrick is one on the left standing with my known roo, week 12)

The comb turned pink at week 10. No waddles though.

I have 4 birds all 12 weeks old. One is an obvious roo, 2 are totally hens, and one is a mystery. Patrick (mystery bird) is in the picture. A week ago his/her comb turned pink and the other hens' are still yellow. Then he/she's tail got long. Acts like a hen.. but.... that tail. Any thoughts?
Definitely a cockerel. Easter Eggers don't usually have wattles due to the muff/beard genes.
I've got a few 10-12 week olds out of my bunch that I'm beginning to question whether they are hens or not.

Cinnamon Queen:

Same cinnamon queen:

Barred Rock #1

Barred Rock #2: This one we've suspected was a rooster from the beginning, acts like one, but doesn't have a very pronounced or bright red comb.

Barred Rock #2 again:

Barred Rock #3:

Thanks for your input!
Where did you get them from?
In the first pic I see a possible BR pullet. I see a Dominique cockerel in the others though... do you have more than one barred bird? You seemed to be only asking about one, but I see two different :/
I can't be 100% sure because I dont know the breed all too well, by a guess would be cockerel.
despite the tail feathers, I want to say pullet, but I dont know for sure. Hoping someone else has an opinion :)

It's the same bird just two different lightings. it kept moving around. so you think it's a he?

Hen or Rooster? 7weeks old


full body picture for this one... 7 weeks?
From a small home breeder in my area. Why do you ask?
Because those Barred Rocks are not pure Barred Rocks. And the Cinnamon Queen has pullet coloring, but is a cockerel. Cinnamon Queens are a type of red sexlink. They don't breed true, and you can't sex chicks from a red sexlink rooster and red sexlink hen by coloring, like you can with first generation birds.
The Barred Rocks only have one copy of the barring gene. A purebred cockerel will have two copies, making their barring look 'lighter'.
Only the second 'Barred Rock' looks like a pullet. the rest are cockerels.
There is a huge difference between a breeder, and a person with some chickens, hatching chicks.

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