Not Sure if You've Got a Pullet or a Cockerel? Click here! thread 3

Ok. Here are the first two of mine that I am wondering about. Not sure exactly how old the are or if they are old enough to sex. Both are barn mix.


Thank you! I am happy to hear that.
The blue was sold to me as a blue copper maran but it could be an olive egger as the store lady didn't know how to tell the olive eggers apart. Can you educate me on how you know that it is not a BCM? I am very new to this and would like to learn.

Also, do you happen to know what breed this chicken is? It sold to me as a possible Olive egger or orpington, i think, but one of the other experts said it was not an orpington for sure. Thank you.

The fluffy cheeks on the Marans was the big clue. And unless the photos are not showing the leg/skin coloring accurately, I'm guessing that's not an Orpington. You may want to check the bottoms of the feet to be sure. If they are as yellow as the pictures indicate, it's not an Orpington. If the skin is white, it is an Orpington.
Do you happen to know what color the Marans rooster was

The rooster is a black marans. All my hatched chicks are black but the hatching eggs were different colors (green, blue, dark brown, pink). I was curious why the chicks are all black then asked the guy who sold the eggs. He said the rooster is a french black copper marans.
I have these two chicks, almost 4 weeks old now. They were part of a straight run "late hatchers" deal. No info given on breed. Maybe it's too soon to tell sex though? Thanks for any help or input! :)

Rhode Island Red? Pullet? (We were in the garden but snapped a few pics before putting the chicks out- hence the gloves.)


White Leghorn? Pullet? I read a bunch about how both genders develop combs super early so it's hard with nothing to compare this chick.


Thanks so much :)
Ok I'm usually good with this but I'm at a loss do I have a roo and a pul they are 3month old silver lace Wyandottes both rumps look different but the heads look the same so I'm having problems please help

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