Not Sure if You've Got a Pullet or a Cockerel? Click here! thread 3

How can one tell between an all white EE or an all white Ameraucana? Leg colors, egg colors, face muff beards, whitebon bottom of feet, since ameraucanas can have so many combos of characteristics, what would determine one to be Ameraucana Over EE by looking at them?
Skin color primarily. Ameraucana has white skin. Easter Eggers usually have yellow skin.
Is the only way, to tell is if they breed true? I mean, what if You have an EE that looks just like an ameraucana? Ive had more people then I can count on 2 hands tell me they have ameraucanas for sale, but they are really easter eggers, and have no idea there was a difference. Nothing wrong w/easter eggers, but when you want an orange, you dont want to be sold a tangerine and be told it is an orange.
And 'breeds', when it comes to chickens, is not based on pedigree. It's based on how well an individual bird meets a specific breed standard. If your white bird meets the standard for Ameraucana, without any major disqualifications, then call it an Ameraucana.

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