Not Sure if You've Got a Pullet or a Cockerel? Click here! thread 3

I think that this one is a pullet! I haven't seen any comb or wattle growth at all since posting that last picture. We got our first egg this weekend and I *think* it was actually from this chicken! (she also started doing the "squat" recently) Someone here said that sometimes the comb will turn really red right before laying, so that would make sense. We also ended up with a definite rooster and this chicken has never acted aggressive towards him at all.
I started an independent thread asking this, but thought it might be good to specifically ask here as well. Hope that's ok!
16 week old Buff Orpington - pullet or cockerel???

I think that this one is a pullet! I haven't seen any comb or wattle growth at all since posting that last picture. We got our first egg this weekend and I *think* it was actually from this chicken! (she also started doing the "squat" recently) Someone here said that sometimes the comb will turn really red right before laying, so that would make sense. We also ended up with a definite rooster and this chicken has never acted aggressive towards him at all.
hi guys. I have an 11 week old isa brown who has a much taller and redder comb than my other isa brown. i always thought it was a pullet until recently. any guesses?
I'm not an expert but looks like pullet to me! I also have some 11 weeks olds at the moment one cockerel has appeared and I'm hoping that the rest are girls and I just keep telling myself - their combs and wattles have to grow in some time!

We have one who when she (or he) was about seven weeks had quite a large comb in comparison to the others and it was slightly pinky but now the others have caught up even the boy who has started crowing! Has a much bigger comb and it's definitely redder whereas the other hasn't really developed much more than a small pinky comb

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