Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

Junebuggena and Summer, I apologize. My IB is definitely a roo. You were right. Now, look at the remaining two for me as I pray they are both pullets. They are eight weeks.

Sioux the roo and Stella the EE/

Trudy Australorp

Trudy's little bitty comb.

Trudy's feathers.

Let me know if you need another picture of any part of of either bird.TIA.

It ok the other 2 are pullets
The new chicks bantam mix I do t have a clue lol they're 4-5 weeks old. Anyone have any guesses at breed? They all came from the same hen and clutch




Sherlock- absolutely cute




Cersei - amazing colors




Watson- adorable and has an extra toe
This is Blue. We got her from McMurray in a order of Black Stars. Whelp, not sure what happened. We thought Blue was a roo since male sex links are barred, but Blue doesn't show any rooster behaviors. No crowing, no mounting, no tidbitting, she even gets mounted by other roosters on occasion (not often though). I have yet to catch her laying an egg either, and she's just over a year old. So I am rather confused. She is very large; same size as our Orp and GL Wyandotte roos. But like I said, no crowing or anything roo-like. :/
That's a Barred Rock hen... strange that she hasn't laid yet, though.

Please help me sex this one. Her comb has been red for a while now but I have read that this breed has red combs very early even hens. It is not very large tho. She is about 10 weeks give or take. Thank you
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