Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

We lost Calsifer and we took Chewie to his new home but got three new 5 week bantam mix I think one is mixed with auracona sp? And we added 2 road island reds
5 week mixed are named Sherlock Watson and Cersei and the RIRs are Spock and Kirk

Also now fighting lice and coccidiosis so it's been a long day we just got a new brooder
Will have pics soon I just wanna let them rest after dust bath and cleaning
We lost Calsifer and we took Chewie to his new home but got three new 5 week bantam mix I think one is mixed with auracona sp? And we added 2 road island reds
5 week mixed are named Sherlock Watson and Cersei and the RIRs are Spock and Kirk

Also now fighting lice and coccidiosis so it's been a long day we just got a new brooder
Will have pics soon I just wanna let them rest after dust bath and cleaning

We just went through the cocciidiosis in our brooder. We clean them every day but the chick nipple was leaking regularly so I thought maybe that's how they got it. It sure is a pain but glad it's gone now. The corid cleared it right up.. :)




The new brooder all 24 chicks are very happy
This is Blue. We got her from McMurray in a order of Black Stars. Whelp, not sure what happened. We thought Blue was a roo since male sex links are barred, but Blue doesn't show any rooster behaviors. No crowing, no mounting, no tidbitting, she even gets mounted by other roosters on occasion (not often though). I have yet to catch her laying an egg either, and she's just over a year old. So I am rather confused. She is very large; same size as our Orp and GL Wyandotte roos. But like I said, no crowing or anything roo-like. :/

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The new brooder all 24 chicks are very happy

It does look a little small. I know it's rough to find so many an area while waiting for them to be ready to head outside. Depending on your weather they may be ready to go outside. We are in the upper 90's to 100 right now so all mine are out with no supplemental heat by 4 weeks. They were so happy to get out to the coop though lol. :)
That is a very small brooder for 24...
And they look like they are feathered in enough to go out to a coop. Also, food and water should not be at the same end as the heat source.
Not quite finished with the coop we need to get more hardware cloth have to wait till Friday and they had another chunk of space but kept flooding it so this will have to do for a couple days I've moved the food and water further away
It does look a little small. I know it's rough to find so many an area while waiting for them to be ready to head outside. Depending on your weather they may be ready to go outside. We are in the upper 90's to 100 right now so all mine are out with no supplemental heat by 4 weeks. They were so happy to get out to the coop though lol. :)
It is crowded coop is nearly done its 70s 80s here and 8 are bantams we just have a big predictor problem here and have to spend a bit to keep it secure
Are these pullets?
RIR 20+ weeks. The leg horn is a pullet since she is laying.

Sliver laced Wyandotte 18 weeks

Gold laced Wyandotte 18 weeks. Tail feathers just coming back in after being pecked by a bully.

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