Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2


I thought this was a pullet but I cought her mounting some other ladies. We just gave away our cockerels and now she is looking more like a he. I just need clarification.
sure looks like a saddle feathers and tail feathers coming out also sorry

I really think you are right. This little bird is 22-25 weeks and never showed any sign of dominance until we get rid of the competition. It just doesn't seem to fit real nice in either category though. The body style to me says female, a little frumpy and low to the ground. The pic is a nice angle of it stretching out and looks more rooster
I really think you are right. This little bird is 22-25 weeks and never showed any sign of dominance until we get rid of the competition. It just doesn't seem to fit real nice in either category though. The body style to me says female, a little frumpy and low to the ground. The pic is a nice angle of it stretching out and looks more rooster
probably with other cockerels about he was hanging low till they left
as in low man on the totem pole

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