Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

I am new to having chickens. There 3 are all 11 weeks old and are potentially mixed breeds.
I would love to get your opinion about whether I have hens or roos! If anyone has thought on breed it would be
Interesting to know. They could be Wheaton, Orpingtons, or Americunas, or???

Thank you!




1 looks like a welsummer pullet. 2 and 3 look like easter eggers. The one in the middle looks like a pullet and the one on the bottom I can't see well enough. :)
Thank you! We were really hoping that they were all girls --- they free range a lot and are completely inseparable!!
If they wander apart, as soon as they realize someone is not a wing length away, they run like heck to each other! LOL
We can't have roosters in the city so it would be devastating if we had to split them up!!

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