Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

I am lucky that roos are not a problem for our location but but I now seem to have at least 3 out of 20 chicks that are cockerels (I'm still wondering about a couple others) and I will have concerns for that ratio of roos to hens as they mature. Both the cockerel EEs have just gorgeous coloring!

You will have to see how they do as they grow. Some will accept a subordinate position, and never really cause problems. Others will constantly battle for dominance and cause fights. Free ranging in a large area can help relieve the stress.

Also, more than 3 males with 17 females would not be a good ratio. 2 males seem to work best if they get along. More than that and the ones lower in rank tend to battle it out to avoid being the lowest. I'm having this problem with some Serama cockerels I have yet to sell.
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The first is either a Welsummer, Partridge Rock, or Brown Leghorn. Won't know which until she lays. 
The other two are Easter Eggers. All birds pictured are female.

Great news! Thank you very much!!
#1 will have to be a Wellsummer. The other breeds you suggested were not among the chickens that were bred. These came from a college class and the options were pretty limited.
Thanks again!
Silver spangled Hamburg..any guesses on sex? 4 weeks tomorrow.


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