Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

No problem, always good to know the details for future reference. Your Cochins are only 13 weeks old and have giant red combs and wattles. Cochins are a slow maturing breed and even laying adult hens rarely have combs the size of your cockerels. They are also developing pointy male saddle and hackle feathers, and the sickle feathers are coming in as well.

Do cochin cockerels grow faster then pullets also? Because I have 2 other cochins that I didn't post pictures of because they're so small. They're half the size of the ones I posted pics of but they are the same age as the bigger ones. You really can't see it very well in the background but the white cochin is one of the small ones and you can see the size difference.

Around 7 week old silkie/ bantam Cochin mix (I think) what sex do you think?



Here is one of my other ones I got with it I'm think he might be a sebright/ bantam Cochin mix and I'm pretty sure he is a HE.
Q: Are cockerels dense? I don't mean stupid, I mean do their bodies have a higher density, so that they feel heavy for their size? Maybe more muscle and less fat?

I think my little blue / splash Silkie is a cockerel.

I know that six weeks is generally far too young to determine the sex of a chick.
I hear that it is especially difficult to tell with Silkies.

Here are my reasons for thinking Cobweb is male:
-Curious, active, outgoing... far more than the other chicks.
-Always craning that neck out.
-First to the food.
-I can feel distinct spur bumps on the back of the legs of this chick, but not yet on any of the other hatch-mates.

Interestingly, Cobweb (who hatched from an egg with a saddle-shaped air cell) started out as the smallest chick. He is growing fast and is now second smallest.

The thing that just struck me today as surprising - and I would love some feedback on this - is that Cobweb is heavy! I picked up all the chicks today, one by one, and put them in a basket. Little Cobweb was heavier than all the other chicks, and felt distinctly heavier than the ones in his size range.

Pics below.
Photo #1 - Cobweb is on the right

Photo #2 - Sticking his head out of the basket.

Photo #3
My very gentle FBCM pullet with the Silkies. Cobweb is the blue-grey one at the bottom.

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