Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

Hello everyone I'm still trying to figure out the gender and breed of my 15 week old chicken. I'm hoping that it's a pullet.




thank you for your time
Cockerel or pullet?
Brabanter? ..give me a pic of its nosterals I can give you a good guess. that breed. My guess at that age would be roo based on color and the details of the nose that I can see. But its still a guess at this age.
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OK so I have 4 chicks that are now 5 weeks old. They are Svart Hona or Swedish Black Hens. I think they are old enough to tell, but I am not sure. I am calling them by their band color, hence the weird names, they may have real names at some point but right now I am telling them apart by band color. So the question is, pullet or cockerel?

First: Purpley.

Second, Bluey:

Third, Redy:

And fourth, Greeny:

If these pics are not sufficient I can take more, just did not want to spam everybody with tons of pics! Thank you!!
Hoping they are not all cockerels...
OK so I have 4 chicks that are now 5 weeks old. They are Svart Hona or Swedish Black Hens. I think they are old enough to tell, but I am not sure. I am calling them by their band color, hence the weird names, they may have real names at some point but right now I am telling them apart by band color. So the question is, pullet or cockerel? First: Purpley. Second, Bluey: Third, Redy: And fourth, Greeny: If these pics are not sufficient I can take more, just did not want to spam everybody with tons of pics! Thank you!! :fl Hoping they are not all cockerels...
Way too early to tell anything whatsoever. Check back when they are 10-12 weeks of age.
These guys are 5 weeks old. I know that's very young to try and tell but I think I remember reading somewhere that the reddish coloring on EEs means they are for sure males.

Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize! I had read the first post of the thread and it said "at least 4 weeks" so I thought it would be apparent to some people. I will wait and post pics later, then. 
I did the same thing. I think some breeds can be done at 4 weeks.

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