Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

WELP. That's three outta fourteen. I can only keep one, so now I gotta decide if I'm re-homing a buff orpington, a lavender orpington, or a copper Marans SIGH. Luckily I have time so I can be sure which ones are cockerel and which are pullets before I split the flock.

It's hard to get a picture of this guy because it is Not a Fan of me or the treats I bring. It only seems to enjoy pecking at my ankles and fingers lol

What breed is this one... Looks exactly like my BCM dark Cornish mix.
WELP. That's three outta fourteen. I can only keep one, so now I gotta decide if I'm re-homing a buff orpington, a lavender orpington, or a copper Marans SIGH. Luckily I have time so I can be sure which ones are cockerel and which are pullets before I split the flock.
Your male female ratio could be a lot worse. Co worker bought 25 straight run and ended up with 21 males. My first batch of straight run of 6, I got 5 males... Lesson learned.
What breed is this one... Looks exactly like my BCM dark Cornish mix.

I think it's a black copper Marans. It has grey legs with white bottoms and sporadic feathering down each limb. They're still feathering out all the way, and this one had pretty solid fuzz down its legs when it was a few days old.

Your male female ratio could be a lot worse. Co worker bought 25 straight run and ended up with 21 males. My first batch of straight run of 6, I got 5 males... Lesson learned.

Yeah but I didn't order a straight run lol. I ordered 14 females and 1 male. One died in transit and now 2 that were supposed to be girls are looking more and more like boys. I can still hope but I worry. XD
I have 26 coming. 8 straight run bantams ( I'll be trying to figure those out asap).15 pullets and 3 cockerels. Plus these 3 babies and 4 in the incubator.

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