Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

Pullets or Roo game contestants...
I have 3 silver laced wyandottes, all purchased as pullets. 2 of them I am questioning that they really are pullets. One of them was labeled as a gold laced and she/he clearly is not. 6 weeks old.



I have 2 lavender orpingtons that I purchased straight run. Also 6 weeks old.


Question: at this age is there any other way to tell if they are pullets or Roos other than their comb size and color?
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Pullets or Roo game contestants...
I have 3 silver laced wyandottes, all purchased as pullets. 2 of them I am questioning that they really are pullets. One of them was labeled as a gold laced and she/he clearly is not. 6 weeks old.



I have 2 lavender orpingtons that I purchased straight run. Also 6 weeks old.


Question: at this age is there any other way to tell if they are pullets or Roos other than their comb size and color?

#1 & #2 look like cockerels... #3 most likely pullet...

Both your Lavander Orps are cockerels...
6 week old Hatchery Lakenvelders. This one is tripping me up because they didn't follow the "typical" cockerel feathering slower pattern so I've been trying to convince myself they could both be pullets, just a runt on the bottom. She's always been TINY even compared to my other smaller breeds and was sickly in the beginning. She also feathered extremely slow. Cockerel on top pullet on the bottom? Or is it possible to have two of the same gender that look this vastly different?
I have 3 EE a little over 5 weeks. I think I have 1 cockerel and 2 pullets. They were not being super photogenic, sorry! The first one is the suspected cockerel. Bigger than the other two, and comb area a little wider. Thanks!!






This is my new (~4 week old) Rhode Island Red.
It's hard for me to sex my own.. I think it's just wishful thinking that they will all be pullets.
Anyway, it might be too soon to tell but any thoughts would be appreciated.
(pictures without flash)

(with flash)

Thank you in advance for the input. I will probably adding some of my other chicks soon. This is the only RIR that I have right now, so no others to compare to.
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This is my new (~4 week old) Rhode Island Red.
It's hard for me to sex my own.. I think it's just wishful thinking that they will all be pullets.
Anyway, it might be too soon to tell but any thoughts would be appreciated.
(pictures without flash)

Thank you in advance for the input. I will probably adding some of my other chicks soon. This is the only RIR that I have right now, so no others to compare to.

I just rehomed one that age and it was much more developed in the comb than that. The one I have remaining looks more like that. I can't say for sure that it's a girl, but in comparison to the other it does not look male, if that makes sense. lol
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