Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2




Help on gender? Got them on April 1. They were a few days old when I bought them. Butters has the light head. Scotch is darker.
Hi there - just a follow up, what makes you think cockerel on Mari? Here is an updated photo - 1 week later approx.
I disagree. I think Mari is a pullet. I had a group of young pullets and some were getting red on the wings/shoulders. Everyone swore they were roosters despite no other signs. I almost gave them away. They were pullets in the end and laid me lots of eggs. I wouldn't give up on Mari yet.
Hi there - just a follow up, what makes you think cockerel on Mari? Here is an updated photo - 1 week later approx.
Do you have a close up pic of the comb? Also another standing profile pic? Age?

If an EE, then rooster red on wings or chest usually means a roo. The only time that would be false positive is if there's some type of auburn breed in it's genetics. EEs can have a mix of multiple breeds, so there are several things to look for and often you'll get both male & female answers.

Also EE males can have:
3 row pea comb
pink comb around 4-6 wks
thicker legs
stand more upright & alert (are 1st to run up & greet you)
slower feather growth

One trait I noticed (but really only in my birds) was that males had solid black neck collars, while the females had black neck collars - but their indiv feathers had white edges. This softened their look.

My advice is to keep an eye out for those roster signs, but don't make any decision until you feel sure of the gender. (or it crows)
These 2 are about 4 weeks and we're both sold to us as RIR but they look so different (almost identical when we got them) and the second one is much smaller (bought 2 days apart from IFA).


And 2 white leghorn 4-5 weeks, smaller than most of my other chicks the same age and more skittish

Any experts at Hatchery Speckled Sussex? This is Puck, she's 7.5 weeks old and I accidentally cut her toe off in the run door yesterday :( She's my favorite and was hopefully going to be my daughters 4H project. Now I'm wondering if she's really a pullet? I've read they can be difficult to tell. She does have some big white feathers in her wings if that means anything. Thanks a ton!



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