Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

I got 15 others. One died in transit when I first got them, and I gave away two others since I wasn't planning on keeping all 16 anyway. I have two other lavenders that are bigger than this one but they have very small pink combs and are pretty docile. The rest are RIRs, buff Orpingtons, a BA and two copper marans. The copper Marans, RIRs, and BA are definitely female. The buffs I'm 99% sure on since they have like zero comb development and no dominance in the flock, so that left the Lavenders, and that one in particular.

Ok. Could you post pictures of a few of the others for comparison, and maybe a couple more of this one?


Pullets or cockerels? Not sure on age but would say around 2 months. They're supposed to be SLW but I'm not sure that's true.


Pullets or cockerels? Not sure on age but would say around 2 months. They're supposed to be SLW but I'm not sure that's true.

The cockerel in the first picture is undoubtedly male.
Picture #2 also resembles a cockerel, but on my phone it's too blurry to tell. :idunno
They could very well be SLWs. The lacing will even out as they age.
Ok. Could you post pictures of a few of the others for comparison, and maybe a couple more of this one?


The one in question is in the background.

Second lavender


Third lavender with a photobombing copper Marans.


Black Australorp.


RIR. They all look as uniform as this, no real color differences on individual birds.
I got 15 others. One died in transit when I first got them, and I gave away two others since I wasn't planning on keeping all 16 anyway. I have two other lavenders that are bigger than this one but they have very small pink combs and are pretty docile. The rest are RIRs, buff Orpingtons, a BA and two copper marans. The copper Marans, RIRs, and BA are definitely female. The buffs I'm 99% sure on since they have like zero comb development and no dominance in the flock, so that left the Lavenders, and that one in particular.
Any roosters out of the two you gave away?


Pullets or cockerels? Not sure on age but would say around 2 months. They're supposed to be SLW but I'm not sure that's true.

The cockerel in the first picture is undoubtedly male.
Picture #2 also resembles a cockerel, but on my phone it's too blurry to tell. :idunno
They could very well be SLWs. The lacing will even out as they age.
Any roosters out of the two you gave away?

It was an RIR and BO so I was fairly certain they were pullets. I sent the girl who took them pictures of young cockerels and asked today if they looked any more "boyish" than when I gave them to her and she said no, they look the same. :c

Help please? My barred rocks are about 4 weeks, maybe a bit older. I got them from a local feed store that marketed them as sexed pullets. The store is known for having pretty accurate bins so I felt comfortable because in person they look so dark and I know the males are lighter. But someone told me today that they all appear to be boys :( The one I have been questioning since it's comb is starting to get pink... but oh man :( Guess I need to hear it from others
Help please? My barred rocks are about 4 weeks, maybe a bit older. I got them from a local feed store that marketed them as sexed pullets. The store is known for having pretty accurate bins so I felt comfortable because in person they look so dark and I know the males are lighter. But someone told me today that they all appear to be boys :( The one I have been questioning since it's comb is starting to get pink... but oh man :( Guess I need to hear it from others
the one with pink comb is a Cockerel. Can't see the others.

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