Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

Help please? My barred rocks are about 4 weeks, maybe a bit older. I got them from a local feed store that marketed them as sexed pullets. The store is known for having pretty accurate bins so I felt comfortable because in person they look so dark and I know the males are lighter. But someone told me today that they all appear to be boys :( The one I have been questioning since it's comb is starting to get pink... but oh man :( Guess I need to hear it from others
the one with pink comb is a Cockerel. Can't see the others.
Picture #2 is undoubtedly a cockerel. :/ Sorry. :(
So can I safely assume the two others will be as well if their barred coloring is the same as the one with the pink comb? Ah poop. Thank you!
Picture #2 is undoubtedly a cockerel.
Do I have a challenge for you!

I normally can tell my male orps by 4 wks b/c they get HUGE pink combs & wattles very early. Well this chick is 1/2 from my giant lav orp line, but the mama hen is a mauve orp given to me by a friend. His birds are smaller & his males tend to grow feathers more slowly. (My orps are all pretty fast feathering, so for me it was always all about the comb.) This chick was fully feathered by 4 weeks.

5.5 weeks old

Normally stands in a "pullet posture" unless nervous.

6.5 weeks old

"HER" comb is so small, but "HIS" wattles look so darn red.

Sometimes I think male.

Other times she's screaming pullet.

What's the gender?

Here's a chick pic of the mama @ 6.5 wks

Here's a chick pic of the daddy (top left) @ 5-6 weeks old

12 wks old (He's always been "leggy")

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