Not sure of the gender - Amauracana


In the Brooder
6 Years
Dec 27, 2013
Hello! So this is the first time my roommates and I have owned chickens. We have one Amauracana, I wanna say 3 months, maybe close to 4 (my roommate has their b-day marked somewhere, so I'll find out later). Wolfie, as we've named her, just looks a bit different from the other hens, mostly her tail. I know that different breeds look different, so hopefully that's all this is, but her tail feathers stick up and are longer than the other hens. I got a couple pictures of her today, here's the best one:

(She was much more interested in pecking around than taking a good photo, haha)

We'd really like her to be a her, because we got our chickens as egg layers, so we don't want any fertilization and all that.

Thanks for the help! :)
Color scream cockerel, but I can't see the head good. It looks a little red, but not as much as I would expect to see for the age.I say cockerel. And by the way, that isn't an ameraucana, it is an easter egger
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The store told us the wrong breed then, lol Well poo...How old before they start crowing?
Your chicken looks a lot one of my chickens that is now seven months old. Mine has olive green legs and lays olive eggs. She has no tuffs or beard and has the pea comb. She is a big bird and was very flighty until she laid her first egg and now very friendly and will let me pet her. I believe if your chicken was a rooster, you will be able to tell by now. An Araucana or easter egger, not sure. The markings are almost identical to mine.
Your chicken looks a lot one of my chickens that is now seven months old. Mine has olive green legs and lays olive eggs. She has no tuffs or beard and has the pea comb. She is a big bird and was very flighty until she laid her first egg and now very friendly and will let me pet her. I believe if your chicken was a rooster, you will be able to tell by now. An Araucana or easter egger, not sure. The markings are almost identical to mine.
Not an araucana either. They are rumpless and usually have ear tufts.
S/he definitely started out pretty flighty. Her and the Plymouth we have were not very social for a while. They're both warming up quite a bit now. They all seem to like me because I take the cat inside when he's bothering them lol (Our cat has a magical way of getting out of the house when NO ONE lets him's freaky). Well, if he's a boy then that's that. Not sure what we'll do :( He/she is darn pretty, so maybe I could find someone who would want him :)

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