Not sure something is wrong


7 Years
Apr 17, 2017
Greenville, SC
Hi! we've been enjoying our girls since the end of April. Four of the them are 11-1/2 weeks old and 2 are 9-1/2 weeks old. We got them from the same place but we isolated them anyway. They all seem inquisitive, eating, drinking and pooing; two days ago, one of the older girls seemed quiet and more subdued. She eats and drinks but not as much as before. She lays on the ground with her neck tucked in and her wings puffed out a little bit. The day before it was hot and humid, they had ice in their water and a tub of cool water to stand in. Yesterday and today, it's been raining off and on all day/night and it is cooler but still humid. I checked her this afternoon, her crop is good as is her rear though she did poop some white, runny poo. "Lara" is a Golden Wyandotte and does get picked on mostly by our Speckled Sussex and a bit by the Sliver Wyandotte. The Sussex and the Silver pick on the others as well and they are fine. Is Lara's behavior normal?
Hi! we've been enjoying our girls since the end of April. Four of the them are 11-1/2 weeks old and 2 are 9-1/2 weeks old. We got them from the same place but we isolated them anyway. They all seem inquisitive, eating, drinking and pooing; two days ago, one of the older girls seemed quiet and more subdued. She eats and drinks but not as much as before. She lays on the ground with her neck tucked in and her wings puffed out a little bit. The day before it was hot and humid, they had ice in their water and a tub of cool water to stand in. Yesterday and today, it's been raining off and on all day/night and it is cooler but still humid. I checked her this afternoon, her crop is good as is her rear though she did poop some white, runny poo. "Lara" is a Golden Wyandotte and does get picked on mostly by our Speckled Sussex and a bit by the Sliver Wyandotte. The Sussex and the Silver pick on the others as well and they are fine. Is Lara's behavior normal?

The eating and drinking is a mild concern, but as long as she is still eating and drinking some, everything should be fine. All of the other 'symptoms' seem like normal chicken behavior to me. As for the chickens pecking at each other (as long as none get seriously injured by it) it is simply baby chickens finding their pecking order. :)
Oh, and for more assurance, I have some babies about the same age and they do everything you've described. Just keep a watchful eye that Lara doesn't stop eating and drinking entirely.
sound like it may be coccidiosis.... you need to get some corrid... immediately
check droppings for blood... and all should be treated in same cage....
Sounds normal to me too. I agree with Colonel Sanders about keeping an eye out to make sure they don't stop eating, or drinking. You have described nothing that would indicate coccidiosis, at this point.

Just in case it is coccidiosis:

- Look dirty and unkempt
- Weak and listless
- Fluffed up not doing much
- May see pale comb and skin
- May be sick one day and drop dead the next day
- Not eating and drinking much
- Blood in poop (Some types of coccidiosis don't have bloody poop as a symptom) (do not get this confused with intestinal lining that chickens do shed that is brown/red)
- Severe infection that causes yellow foamy poop
May I suggest what I have done many times in the past
Feed my wet Mash Probiotic Recipe to all of them
My WET MASH PROBIOTIC RECIPE withVit E and Vit B Complex and Selenium added to the wet mash

is very good for all chickens especially sick chickens.

For this problem I recommend my wet mash probiotic with yoguart be given.

I prefer to use the wet mash probiotic that includes chicken feed, yoguart and milk with applesauce

because chickens will eat the yoguart completely in the wet mash where as some chickens will not just eat yoguart ans it gets on their beaks, of which then they throw it away when cleaning the beaks

as you will notice if staanding too close to them eating the yoguart

So read on down where I give the recipe

some advice for helping the chicken get over the ailment
I would suggest and advanced case of E.coli.

due to the illness the chicken has.

With all that is noted here is some good help that I have found to work for the health of the chicken

So here is what I would do at this time to help the chicken get to feeling better

This is for single bird and I would isolate the bird so you know what she is eating

if you do not have a rabbit cage you can put her in the garage in a dog carrier till she is better

I would start with the Vit E and Vit B complex and selenium with wet mash

A) chickens do get some upset in the gut with E.coli and then it goes to a nervous disorder

natural probiotic wet mash with Vit E and Vit B complex nd selenium added immediately

basically the chicken has some nerve damage from the E.coli do this immediately

need neurolodigal vit E and Vit B complex and Selenium for E.coli and the nervous disorder Also the apple cider vineager in water

(1) 2 tbsp acv per gallon of water till chickens are well and then 2 times a week for life

for one chicken use 1 tbsp of ACV


until the chicken is off medication

(2 immediately give the chicken 1000 mg capsule of liquid Vit E by cutting the end of the capsule and taking the vit E liquid and mix in wet mash probiotic

(2-B) total amt of capsules equals the total amt of chickens fed vit's multiply amt of recipe times amt of chickens fed it and the amt of vit's times amt of chickens given them

(3 also need to crush a vit B complex pill in tabsp and add tsp of water to it

put it in the chickens wet mash after it is dissolved.

D the same with the Selenium tablet and add to wet mash

(3-C) then give this to the chicken twice a week for two weeks should see much improvement

after the chicken has eaten the wet mash probiotic clean wet feeder and restock dry crumble feed.

(4 Do three Vit's twice today then for 7 days till you see some improvement in the chicken

(5 today I would see if the chicken will eat a wet mash with the Vitamins E and B complex and Selenium


natural probiotic wet mash

2 tbp of dry crumbles

1 tbsp flax seed meal (the kind people take)

3 tbp of milk sweet, sour or buttermilk

1 tbsp of non flavored yogurt

2 tbsp of apple sauce

put it on top so the chicken can smell and see it

mix good and put the

vit E liquid as directed in the wet mash

and crumble the Vit B complex tablet in a tabsp and add to the wet mash

do same with Selenium tablet and add to wet mash.


(6 Do this twice a day for 7 days to see if the chicken is better

then do this once a day for another week then once a week for a while

this should give the nervous system some stability and cure the bad E.coli in the gut

(6-A) they should clean it up in 20-30 minutes

this will help them get good gut flora

also put 2 tbsp of ACV in gallon of water and keep giving them this water for a week straight
then give it 2-4 times a week for life

Glenda Heywood Cassville Missouri
Again, this sounds like normal behavior, especially in regards to the weather conditions described, with no real indication of coccidiosis at this point. Just keep an eye on her.
I AM IN TOTAL AGREEMENT WITH Mustang56 about other sickness.
Feed her the wet mash probiotic recipe it will build her up.
here is some advise from a article I like
on Lathargic chickens
chicken lethargic may not be able to stand or walk well. It will often be alone when the flock is out scratching and foraging. It may sit or roost with head drooped or tucked into a wing. A sick chicken that is normally not easy to approach may be unaware of activity around it, not put up much of a fuss when picked up and have trouble opening eyes. A chicken lethargic in this state needs help.

There could be one or more of many different things wrong. Removing a chicken in this condition from the flock is important as it may have something contagious.

Having a “hospital cage” at the ready is always a good idea when raising chickens. It should be in a draft free area with access to electricity for a heat lamp. It should be away from other poultry.

Next a lethargic chicken usually needs food and water. It may not have wanted to eat for a while or been prevented from eating by other chickens. Once a sick chicken is warmed or cooled as needed it should become more alert.

It should be looking around wondering what’s going on and able to keep its eyes open. Offering a few drops of electrolyte/vitamin water should perk it up even more.

If it will drink from a dish, great, but if not offer a few drops at a time and watch for a swallow reflex. If it will eat from a dish that’s great too, but if not, mix some electrolyte/vitamin water with its feed and offer a soupy food that is easy to swallow.

This will give food and liquid right away. Watch for droppings. You may want to get a stool sample to the vet.
He/she just said it wasn't eating as well as the others and that it would sleep it a COMPLETELY normal way for baby chickens and from this small amount of information, you can diagnose coccidiosis? Giving vitamins is never a bad idea, I'm just not sure that it's coccidiosis... especially considering I have baby chicks that are about the same age that do all of the things described (especially on a warm day) and they are totally healthy.

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