Not sure what is going on.....very worried!

Thank You for the info. Could she be egg bound if it is her first egg? I felt her abdomen and didnt feel anything unusal. Would it be VERY obvious? I think this is the third day....Would she be REALLY sick or even dead by now if she was eggbound? She is still walking around with the others just not normally, from what I read that you posted she doesn't fit the behavior. I thought about putting some apple cider vinegar in her water for infection. Should I do that?
Thank You for the info. Could she be egg bound if it is her first egg? I felt her abdomen and didnt feel anything unusal. Would it be VERY obvious? I think this is the third day....Would she be REALLY sick or even dead by now if she was eggbound? She is still walking around with the others just not normally, from what I read that you posted she doesn't fit the behavior. I thought about putting some apple cider vinegar in her water for infection. Should I do that?
If she has a soft or shell-less egg, it would be very hard for you to detect that. I had to stick my finger "in" to feel a shell-less egg and that hen was walking around fine, but just looked tired. Be very gentle in whatever you do... you don't want to break an egg if that is the problem.

Sorry about my last post as I am COMPLETELY changing it! She went back into the coop so I caught one of the other Araucans and felt her behind then felt the sick again. I believe she does in fact have an egg that is stuck. Her back end is round and hard. So will the calcium and vitamin d help or do I need to try and get it out another way? Seems like it is already formed. Is this going to be a problem that will plague her, her entire life?????
I read where they said to suck out the egg contents and crush the shell and attemp to pull it out. Is this the route I should take
I read where they said to suck out the egg contents and crush the shell and attemp to pull it out. Is this the route I should take
Try the calcium/d, warm baths, massage and lube first! Get yourself some gloves and get some lube in there. I read that the calcium helps them to expel the egg as well as make the shell. Also, keep her inside where it's warm.
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I gently massaged her back end and she started pushing so I eased in gently and I felt the shell of the egg. it seems to be a fairly large egg and she is a rather small chicken. I am going to town to get some supplies then try and get this egg passed today. Thank You all SO much for your help! I am going to get to work....I will let yall know how it turns out. BTW she is my shower right now...quite happily might I add!
I gently massaged her back end and she started pushing so I eased in gently and I felt the shell of the egg. it seems to be a fairly large egg and she is a rather small chicken. I am going to town to get some supplies then try and get this egg passed today. Thank You all SO much for your help! I am going to get to work....I will let yall know how it turns out. BTW she is my shower right now...quite happily might I add!
I have a good feeling about this one!
I had a chicken acting similiar. She was egg bound. I used lube & tried to get the egg out, but could not do it without breaking it. There was some blood due to pushing out sharp egg shell pieces. The reason she couldnt push it out without breakage is because she had a second large egg right behind it. The second egg had a rough, almost sandy feeling, shell. Helped her get that one out and she fully recovered!!
That is GREAT news! In the back of my mind I find myself wondering if she will always this problem. ??? But I am going to try and see if we can get it out. if she has this problem all the time I will have to consider putting her out of her misery...but I will worry about that another day IF she has problems in the future.
My tractor supply does not have a very good poultry section and I don't know of anywhere else to go. I got some poultry drench it is suppose to be good stuff 2 calcium ingredients are listed in the top 3 and vit d is number 5 on the list so I thought it would be better than nothing. I gave her direct shot of it into her mouth and she swallowed some of it. The directions say to put it into the water but she is not really drinking so it wouldn't do any good to put it in the water. Now she is sleeping under the heat lamp. i am waiting impatiently to see what she a few I am going to put some lube in her tush. which I am sure she is not going to enjoy....but she is being VERY docile through all of this as if she knows I am attempting to help her. Animals seem to have a strange way of knowing.

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