Not sure what's gone wrong... A few questions...

I do appreciate all the feedback! I'm so full of curiosity! I'm glad my first ever hatch has gone well, all things considered! I can't wait to fill the incubator up again ;)

And do I need to sterilize the bator specially before setting new chicks? Or a general thorough clean and dry will suffice?
I don't do staggard hatches, but yes, bators an get rather messy. I would leave the chicks in though until they are active and up and moving. I would do a thorough cleaning between hatches. I personally use bleach water and let it dry. I also run it a day or two w/o anything in it to get it dry and the water evaporated.
Needless to say, I won't do that again. I was just too eager to squeeze a few more eggs into the hatch. And of course, 4 of the 5 I added a day late had issues- 2 were the dead ones, and this one I think was poorly positioned, its foot was covering its beak. And another didn't fully absorb its yolk prior to hatching and had a little protruding blob at the naval for the first 12 hours, but seems fine now.

I'll give the bator a good hard scrubbin' and let it run empty and dry a few days. I've already go my next set of eggs lined up :)
Needless to say, I won't do that again. I was just too eager to squeeze a few more eggs into the hatch. And of course, 4 of the 5 I added a day late had issues- 2 were the dead ones, and this one I think was poorly positioned, its foot was covering its beak. And another didn't fully absorb its yolk prior to hatching and had a little protruding blob at the naval for the first 12 hours, but seems fine now.

I'll give the bator a good hard scrubbin' and let it run empty and dry a few days. I've already go my next set of eggs lined up :)
My first malepositioned chick had her foot above her head and covering her beak as well. lol She was one of two of my assisted hatches last hatch. She's now a beautiful healthy black pullet.
My first malepositioned chick had her foot above her head and covering her beak as well. lol She was one of two of my assisted hatches last hatch. She's now a beautiful healthy black pullet.

So far so good. All chicks are in with Turkey Mama, and just in time, too. I added the chicks a few hours before she finished hatching and lead everyone out of the nest. She hatched 9 of 11 eggs. Two partially-developed eggs were smooshed and well rotting deep down in the nest so I removed them.
She accidentally stepped on one chick when introducing them outside. I'm keeping an eye on it, not sure if it's injured or how badly. She's sooooo gentle and careful, but the silly things just run right under her! But, everyone's been adopted! Happy story!

In the last photo you can see the chick with the 'bald' back. I think, what it looks like, is the sheaths on the down haven't opened. The feathers are filling in as the sheaths break and fall off. Strange...?


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