November 2021 Hatch-A-Long



5 Years
Jun 21, 2018
QLD Australia
My Indian Runner girl and Muscovy male have had a love affair so I popped some eggs into the incubator to see if he's working yet and have some development. even better the Muscovy girls are laying so I have taken some for the incubator and will maybe collect one more lot before leaving the rest to the ladies. I will also have chicken eggs from my mixed flock hatching throughout November
I think there's a possibility I'll be hatching in Nov 🤭 20211014_190626.jpg
This lot due to hatch 5th Nov
Ok, those shipped Bielefelder hatching egg's are here. I have unpacked them, and they are resting from the trip in an egg carton small end down. I was told to leave them like that for 24 hours to help to settle the air cells. Tomorrow they will go into the incubator, so the hatch date will be November 15th or 16th. Oh, and there are 11 egg's in this batch.

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