November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

Last night I could hear a chorus of cheeping.. I went to sleep, but no pips this morning and no more cheeping. Tomorrow is actually day 21

If they are chirping, did they pip internally? Should I candle to check? or leave them alone?
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you will not believe this!!! I just bought more eggs , 12 Ameraucana

what will hubby say???
Day 23

4 of 16 eggs Hatched.
3 more external pipped

I can't tell if they have internal pipping or not, as my eggs are dark brown eggs. I'm afraid to do a float test. Don't now if it will harm them or not. I'm a noob at hatching. The 4 that have hatched are pecking at the pipped one's holes. Should I remove them, or leave them. It' been at least 6 hours since the other 3 have pipped. I found them when I woke up this morning.
Not really sure what to do. I can supply pics if needed.
They are fine.......................try to stay busy and let them alone...............
So easy to hard to do......................remember...........they do not always hatch on day 21.............
I hate the float test because when I did it....the one that wiggled did not hatch.and one that didn't move in the water did hatch............
Last night I could hear a chorus of cheeping.. I went to sleep, but no pips this morning and no more cheeping. Tomorrow is actually day 21

If they are chirping, did they pip internally? Should I candle to check? or leave them alone?
Handling them at this stage is a no no.............can cause a variety of problems..............
and really, it is because we are having a rough time waiting.....................not to help them hatch
They will be out to greet you soon...............................
This is when my house gets really clean......It is the only way I know to keep my mind busy.........

Hang in will be fine..................
he actually didn't say much!!! He said "mama" "you keep saying your done for winter" I said, "I have 2 brooders full I'm already committed and I want more blue egg layers" then he hugged me!!! I love him!!


Nice. A keeper that one.
Mine has no interest in birds but after helping me hobble a wee spraddle, has been seen peeking in the brooder and helping little Swimmer back on his feet. ;) unanticipated soft heart.

The worst thing about hatching chicks is the level of patience required! Cant wait to do it again!
Handling them at this stage is a no no.............can cause a variety of problems..............
and really, it is because we are having a rough time waiting.....................not to help them hatch
They will be out to greet you soon...............................
This is when my house gets really clean......It is the only way I know to keep my mind busy.........

Hang in will be fine..................

ok! yes ma'am! thank you!

I will not touch :) I just expected a pip by now.. do you know, have they pipped internally since I can hear them?

edit: my house is going to be SO clean!!!!!
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