November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

I'm so wheaton eggs didn't arrive the time I get them, if they arrive Monday, they'll be on the road for 4 days!
I'm so wheaton eggs didn't arrive the time I get them, if they arrive Monday, they'll be on the road for 4 days!
Thats ok cause my RIR were sent from AR on a Tues and they were supossed to be here on a Thurs. To my shock and horror they arrived on Saturday!!! 5 days on the road!!! my utter happiness, not one egg was broke or egg sack messed up and out of 17eggs, 14 went into lockdown!! So just goes to show you are gonna be fine. Here is really good thoughts coming your way.
I'm so wheaton eggs didn't arrive the time I get them, if they arrive Monday, they'll be on the road for 4 days! :rant
That stinks! I got lucky - mine shipped Saturday and arrived Monday! MAKE SURE that when they arrive you take a pic of the box before opening it showing how WELL it was labeled etc. Take a pic of you opening it to show how secure things were packed inside. Take a pic of any cracked or broken eggs. And take a pic of the air cells of some if they are rolling etc. You can use those to get reimbursed at if they've made your eggs non-viable. Sadly, I've had to do this for almost every shipment I've gotten - EXCEPT my wheatens. I've been fully reimbursed for eggs up to $50 and full cost of shipping since with Priority mail you now have an automatic $50 insurance coverage per package included.
Ok, I don't know what I was thinking. My last hatch has just finished. Someone jokingly told me chicken math deals with exponentials. July 3rd I got my first 4 chickens. By the end of the month I had 13. In August I got 30 roosters for the stew pot and all but 5 are gone; they had some filling out to do. September I hatched my 1st group of which I still have 20. My daughter was given some frizzles and silkies. I have 31 from this hatch. I now have 86 chickens here. What was I thinking?!

April 2013 I bought my first 15 chicks from a feed store - almost none of which were actually the breeds I was sold, LOL!

Flash forward October 2013 and I have somewhere around 150 chickens/chicks, most of which are rare and heritage breeds, LOL!

Chicken Math is BAD, LOL! :yiipchick

It should be called poultry math instead since I started this year out with 7 chickens, 5 ducks and about 20 peafowl. As of now I have 31 chickens/chicks, 14 ducks/ducklings, 30 peafowl/peachicks, and 6 quail chicks (and the hatch isn't over yet LOL! Most of them I hatched myself... Which makes it worse... Whatever you call "it" it's a horrible thing lol
I wish I had believed them when I heard it originally. I think I'm going to call the local feed store near me and see if they want any of these lovelies. Fortunately, I know I have some broilers coming. That will be a blessing to have but it's going to be busy here soon.
My hatch is done. I went to bed last night with 2 eggs left to go. One mottled ameraucana that had pipped earlier and the wheaten marans that hadn't done anything. When I got up this morning the marans had hatched but the remaining ameraucana had progressed since the initial pip. I went in to assist, but it was too late. It was malpositioned and I don't think it was able to pip thru the membrane :hit There was just a little crack in the egg where it started to pip. It was a pretty blue mottled too. It was the smallest egg of the whole bunch. More like pullet sized, and I was surprised how big the chick was in that little egg. One of the mauve silkied ameraucana seems a bit weak and has a mild case of splayed legs. I gave it nutri-drench and taped its legs so now all there is to do is wait...ond WORRY!! :fl :fl :fl One thing that I've gotten pretty good at since I've started hatching chicks out is worry! Oh well, they're worth it. All the others seem to be doing great so all in all I'm pretty happy with the hatch.
Quote: I sure will....I remember the scrambled eggs you received a few months back...that was the worst

I witnessed the mail lady drop my leghorn eggs...she reached for them...dropped them still in the truck...then but them in the mailbox...a few were broken some never started and I had many quit...I have 3 of those left going very strong due next Saturday!!

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