November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

Help please!!!!
Quote: are you sure the humidity is up? usually when the start to zip it only takes no more than an hour...usually less. how long has it been since it pipped the shell? if it hasn't been over a day I would least a whole 24 hrs....they chirp and wiggle and carry on that helps them absorb all the blood and yolk....

how long since she pipped?
since I'm up in the night...what's new?....I candled my Maran eggs, day 10 today, movement in all but 1
, I'm pretty sure, even though it's hard to see in, that it's a blank, light all the way through!

candled my orloffs, leghorns and faverolles.....they look amazing!!! can't believe lock down is Wed. for them due Sat.

I'm gonna regret all these chickens in the house!!! I have something like 21 due this Sat... already 4 in the brooder and the Maran next Sat.....then I'm going to be getting my Wheaton eggs...

they'll be too many in the house all winter...what have I done? DARN chicken math!!

my dogs aren't going to be very helpful...they like baby chick snacks! UGH!!!
I set 3 Pekin eggs in my bator today! I can't wait! Have you done ducks before? Any advice?

Ya I have done about 4 batches only lost one egg total never internally piped! :-( the best advise is to keep ur temp at 99.5 and humidity between 30% and 50%! At least that's wt I do till hatch then humidity up to 70 % and after they start zipping lower temp to 98.5! I hope all tures out for u I have 8 ancona duck eggs in the bater now on day 5 I hope they ture out they r shipped so the hatch rate is much lower but time will tell wt I get out of them I ccan't wait till wensday to see the veins when I candle them! So excited!
wow guys, your all so lucky. I have just set 12 RIRx in the incy today. Fingers crossed :) My last batch was terrible. I let my broody sit on them. Thought nature might work better than an incubator, but not one hatched. When I candled the eggs, NOT ONE was fertile. Darn Ebay.. lol

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