November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

yes!! they start that right before or they may have already internally pipped....oh so exciting....what's the breed??

I 'm getting excited about my hatch coming up...I guess it never gets old

SQUEEE! So much excitement omg!!

Mine are showgirl and regular silkies!! :D

When are yours due?
My Marans eggs that I thought for sure were goners seem to be moving in the chirping sounds and no is day 20 for them....if I don't hear chirping is that normal? maybe I'm just imagining it moving ?
Hi all! I started 24 eggs on the 16th at 11:30am, we are into day Five now and the hatching is due November 6th! WE HAVE A DOUBLE YOKER TOO! "Thor" as we call the very big egg, I candled today and there is definitely two yolks! The eggs are a mixture of RIR, Black sex link and not sure what else (we picked the eggs up from a person with fertilized eggs and they had lots of different types of chickens)
I have hatched double yolkers 4 times and 1 time 1 lived and the other 3 both made it each time with lots of assistance
this is her! well I hope anyone have any idea what she is? she is black with yellow patch on head and on half of her belly came out of a white eggs she is a LF not even 24 hours old yet

this is her! well I hope anyone have any idea what she is? she is black with yellow patch on head and on half of her belly came out of a white eggs she is a LF not even 24 hours old yet

such a mystery..can't wait to see how it feathers in...little cutie...

she looks like my black chicks...we'll see how mine turn out...they are mixed with dark brahma rooster

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