November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

two BLRWs that hatched early, on day 20 are now dried out and hanging out with their silkie friend!

This silkie was abandoned by mama for 12 hours after pip, so I placed it in the bator to hatch with the others.
these 3 hatched within a few hours of each other :)

now there are 2 more in the bator drying out and 1 zipping!

some hatch pics cause lets face it, this never gets old!! it's chick TV 24/7 around here!!!

Has anyone ever lost a chick? Like literally. Gone, like into thin air. This is the 2nd time it's happened. I am missing 1 chick. I've ruffled up mommas feathers to make sure it's not hiding in a crevice, I've looked under the nursery, all over the coop. There's no carcass, no ants swarming over a deceased chick. Nothing. I seriously have no idea what happened.
Did you check under the hens wings???????
Yeah!!! Congratulations ladies! 5 hatched here so far :)

Anira, how many extra are you looking for? Roos ok?
I may have extra Wellies, never know, hatch in progress! ;)

in Banks, OR
Yay to the Banks farmerwoman! Lockdown in 3 more days, 16 left in the incubator.
Hannah, were they shipped eggs? I had to pull quite a lot of mine at day 14 due to there being a "whole lot of nothing" when I candled them. The vast majority of the ones that I pulled had badly scrambled/broken yolks when I opened them (did an "eggscopy"). So they never really had a chance...shipping damaged them beyond what could ever develop into a chick.
I'm a newbie, but when I pulled the infertiles out at day 7 and especially at day 10, the yolks were mixed all up and runny from being in those temps for all those days. These are homegrown. I literally scrambled them and fed them back to my molting hens.
I'm a newbie, but when I pulled the infertiles out at day 7 and especially at day 10, the yolks were mixed all up and runny from being in those temps for all those days. These are homegrown. I literally scrambled them and fed them back to my molting hens.
I hadn't thought of the temperature causing the yolk to break. I do think in my case, though, most of them were in bad shape. The box that I got was dented and out of 11, two eggs were broken and three had detached air cells. I know that shipment got pretty badly beaten up by good ol' USPS.
I have a stuffed animal and one of my tshirts in with him. He falls asleep after a little while, but as soon as he wakes up, he yells for mama.
Max was an only child. Even if you get other chicks, he'll still probably cry foryou because it has imprinted on you. You are the mom. This is how i ended up doing everything. In the second picture, he is under the strap. He doesn't fit there anymore but he still follows me everywhere.

I tried to get him to sleep here.

But I kept finding him here...And here...

SO I gave in and

And now he is huge still following me everywhere. I love my Maxi.

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