November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

I had another temp spike last night. It was even higher than last time and I'm afraid it could be fatal. I haven't candled yet but was planning to tomorrow. Tomorrow will be day 10. This time I have NO clue why the temp spiked. I added water before bed, so I'm clueless.
I will be glad to candle and see if all is lost. At this point, what am I looking for to know if they are good or have quit?
I had another temp spike last night.  It was even higher than last time and I'm afraid it could be fatal. I haven't candled yet but was planning to tomorrow. Tomorrow will be day 10. This time I have NO clue why the temp spiked.  I added water before bed, so I'm clueless. :confused:   I will be glad to candle and see if all is lost.  At this point, what am I looking for to know if they are good or have quit?

That's scary - hopefully it will work out. By day 10 you should see good veining if the eggs are light colored. But I wouldn't toss anything until at least day 14, just in case.
It should be fine they help each other out! It gets the one in the egg excited about hatching! Yay for babies!
x's 2.In't it amazing to learn about their instincts....................
I swear , much of what I have learned is from watching my broody hens................
They are sooo smart...............
Yeah I'm super paranoid about tossing. But just really hoping to see some evidence that not everything is lost at this point.
Hope they are OK...............

They really are tougher than we think......

I've had some weird hatches that there was not one good reason why they hatched...........but they did
and also some that I believed I did everything right and lost the hatch..........

Congratulations to everyone on all the new chicks.................
Okay. I have 1 marans egg that pipped 24 hours ago. 14 hours ago it was 25% zipped. This morning, no progress. I can see he is still breathing in there. the membrane looks white but not over-dry. it's still clear in some areas I think. it is at a hard angle to see in the bator but I don't want to open it because there are other pips.. also read that marans can have a thicker shell and are harder to get out of. no idea if that is true.

I have never seen one get stuck in the middle of unzipping before. Should I help? Wait longer - 40hrs? pipped 24hrs, zipped and stuck for 14hrs
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