November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

FarmerViola - sorry about your lost chick. But it sounds like your hatch rate was good for shipped eggs. Congrats.

I officially ended my hatch on a gut feeling that my other three eggs weren't going to hatch. Turns out that they were not even close to full development. I only lifted the air cell off the eggs, and all I could see was a thick yellow liquid. Early quitters, maybe?

Here's my breakdown:
Egg source: local breeder

12 to start

3 Sweedish Flower - clear on day 10
2 BCM (pullet eggs) - very early quitters
1 BCM - clear on day 10

Went to lockdown:
1 Golden Lackenvelder/Sweedish Flower cross - went to lock down, but I think it had quit the day before
3 large BCM, quit developing early on, but I don't know when, culled day 24
2 BCM hatched and healthy - days 21 & 22 do I figure out what went wrong with my quitters?
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Mine that was born with yolk passed away this evening. She had rebounded and I really thought we were out of the woods and then completely out of the blue she went weak again. She was very quickly gone :( I buried her under some very special daffodil bulbs that my husband gifted me. Pardon the poetic sappiness, but I'll be happy to see something beautiful and yellow in the spring because she was a very pretty little yellow marans chick.
Mine that was born with yolk passed away this evening. She had rebounded and I really thought we were out of the woods and then completely out of the blue she went weak again. She was very quickly gone :( I buried her under some very special daffodil bulbs that my husband gifted me. Pardon the poetic sappiness, but I'll be happy to see something beautiful and yellow in the spring because she was a very pretty little yellow marans chick.
I need some advice on what happened in this hatch. I had 8 eggs that were candled and had chicks growing. Went into lockdown day 18 raised humidity to 60-65% temps steady at 99-100* on day 22 heard chirping from inside egg, 24 hrs later no pipping. Waited until day 24 never heard anymore chirping and never had any external pipping. I broke open all the eggs and had 3 internal pips, yolks absorbed but never hatched. Others fully developed but didn't absorb yolk and never internally pipped. I noticed one of them had the shell stuck to its head. I'm wondering if humidity was too low?? I'm checking hygrometer now. Any suggestions? Look at pic
Mine that was born with yolk passed away this evening.  She had rebounded and I really thought we were out of the woods and then completely out of the blue she went weak again.  She was very quickly gone :(  I buried her under some very special daffodil bulbs that my husband gifted me.  Pardon the poetic sappiness, but I'll be happy to see something beautiful and yellow in the spring because she was a very pretty little yellow marans chick.

Awwww. Sorry about that. :/ nice plan with the daffodils. :hugs
I cheered myself up with photos of the happy, healthy babies that I have in the brooder. 8 hatched, I lost the one. I have 5 marans and 2 wyandottes (are supposed to be BLR, but we shall see) I won't bore you with ALL of the photos or ALL of the chicks, but some of my favorites...and you can tell me what you think of the colors I got. I was hoping for blue splash marans and blue laced red wyandottes.

One of the wyandotte chicks. What do you think this will turn out to be color-wise? It's supposed to be BLR...

Marans...splash or BCM?

Who can resist a sleepy baby?

This is my other wyandotte...looking for BLR.
Your chicks are adorable! I don't know about the Wyandottes, but my BCM chicks (my profile pic) are more two-toned and darker than your chicks. So I'm going to guess blue splash.
Somehow it didn't quote your post to me. I set the eggs on Oct. 31 at 9:30 AM.'s day 20 technically until tomorrow morning, or still day 19? (Same old question: was the millenium 2000 or 2001?)

It's difficult to look at the photos of the dead chicks, not because I'm squeamish but because we're so close to my first-ever hatch. *crossing fingers and praying to the egg/chick god(desse)s*
I need some advice on what happened in this hatch. I had 8 eggs that were candled and had chicks growing. Went into lockdown day 18 raised humidity to 60-65% temps steady at 99-100* on day 22 heard chirping from inside egg, 24 hrs later no pipping. Waited until day 24 never heard anymore chirping and never had any external pipping. I broke open all the eggs and had 3 internal pips, yolks absorbed but never hatched. Others fully developed but didn't absorb yolk and never internally pipped. I noticed one of them had the shell stuck to its head. I'm wondering if humidity was too low?? I'm checking hygrometer now. Any suggestions?
I don't have any experience, just wanted to say I'm sorry for your loss of these chicks. Did you weigh them as you went along? I've heard that is more accurate than just watching the air cell to judge humidity but I'm just at the end of my first-ever hatch. Again, so sorry.

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