November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

two button quail chicks hatched this morning one about 3-4 am and the other a bit after 8am. none of the other 8 eggs have pipped or anything yet though i do know some are clears. i put the next five into lock down a few hours ago so in two days i should hopefully have some more
two button quail chicks hatched this morning  one about 3-4 am and the other a bit after 8am.  none of the other 8 eggs have pipped or anything yet though i do know some are clears.  i put the next five into lock down a few hours ago so in two days i should hopefully have some more

:woot Go babies go!
I have 13 buttons in lockdown down (and 2 of my own faverolle bantams), due anytime tonight through Sunday! So small couldn't tell a darn thing at candling so they could all be infertile for all I know. First time with buttons, though I've done Coturnix. Hoping to see how tiny they are. :D I can't imagine anything smaller than Coturnix babies!
Go babies go!
I have 13 buttons in lockdown down (and 2 of my own faverolle bantams), due anytime tonight through Sunday! So small couldn't tell a darn thing at candling so they could all be infertile for all I know. First time with buttons, though I've done Coturnix. Hoping to see how tiny they are.
I can't imagine anything smaller than Coturnix babies!
bbuttons are tiny bumblebee's...from what i remember of newly hatch cots that are indeed bigger then the tiny adorableness of buttons. buttons are so adorable and addicting!
Final count for my first hatch:

29 eggs set, 11 infertile (my friend's Faverolles cock is getting older...). One Marans quit very early...just a blood ring and a tiny speck. One Fav X quit about day 4 in a very porous egg. So if I calculate hatch % from those eggs that were fertile to begin with, I got 15/18 and 83.3% hatch rate. If I calculate from those that made it to lockdown, I got 15/16 or 93.7%! How does everyone calculate hatching success?

10/10 Salmon Faverolles X chicks hatched and happy. 5 for my friend who brought me the test hatch eggs, 5 for me.
5/6 BBS Marans. One pipped but didn't make it. Two were assisted though I struggled with that decision and it was, in the end, made by my partner Michael. I have two blue copper Marans and three BCM. The two that were assisted were getting picked on by the older stronger chicks so the first 12 are in the barn in the brooder and the two that were helped out of their shrinkwrapping and the "latecomer" are here in the house. The last chick hatched on its own on day 22 from an egg I snuck in on day 1 after the others were already set.

All in all, I'm pretty happy with my first experience. I'm getting some BIG BCM eggs but I'm going to wait until all the pullets are laying before thinking about hatching again. Mahalo (thank you) to all here for your opinions, assistance, emotional support, and experience. And a big aloha hug to Farmer Viola for going above and beyond for a stranger!
I have a light Brahma, Dolly. She laid her first egg about a week ago and she has laid about 5 since. Now she is staying on the nest. I have read some hens will go broody young but only a few days. Anyone know about light Brahmas? She has only been on the nest for 14 hours. If she does stay broody, would there be a reason I shouldn't let her hatch at this time of year?
Today is day 28/21 for my ducklings and layer flock eggs (mix breeds) and day 20 for my Rhodebar eggs.

I started with
21 duck eggs, all have developed
10 layer flock eggs, 1 never started the rest have developed
12 Rhodebar eggs, 1 smashed during shipping so I set 11. 4 never started (look like they weren't fertile)

And tonight I was sitting in my living room and heard cheeping :) I never even saw this chick pip, or heard any cheeping from the egg or movement, and I've been checking every couple hours, but when he/she decided it was time they came out in a rush :) My first layer flock chick has arrived. Hopefully in the morning there will be more.
I have a light Brahma, Dolly. She laid her first egg about a week ago and she has laid about 5 since. Now she is staying on the nest. I have read some hens will go broody young but only a few days. Anyone know about light Brahmas? She has only been on the nest for 14 hours. If she does stay broody, would there be a reason I shouldn't let her hatch at this time of year?
I let my one of my orpingtons hatch hers and she did perfect...raised up those babies like a pro
nothing sweeter than watching them with their chicks
Doing another quick candle tonight! Anything not moving or at least without good veining has to go! Have to get past my fear of tossing eggs! haha I'm always afraid I will toss a viable chick. Then Wednesday is LOCKDOWN!! Can't wait! Everything has looked so good so far!! Super excited!!
Doing another quick candle tonight! Anything not moving or at least without good veining has to go! Have to get past my fear of tossing eggs! haha I'm always afraid I will toss a viable chick. Then Wednesday is LOCKDOWN!! Can't wait! Everything has looked so good so far!! Super excited!!
where there's veins there's life so if you don't see movement don't worry

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