November Hatch-A-Long (2014)

The first of the lavender orpingtons is out! She's an obnoxious little thing. I was in bed early and all the cheeping got me up to check.
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We are now about 8 hours into day 19 and I went in about a half hour ago to check temp and humidity and I noticed we already have an egg that is pipped!! The hole in the membrane isn't quite big enough for me to see much, at first I wasn't sure if anything was even alive, but I grabbed my phone and fired up my youtube video of baby chicks peeping and yup, it started wobbling when it heard that! lol Oh, I hope it hatches out alright!!! No sleep for me for the next couple nights....I feel sorry for my So excited!!!
Baby tomorrow!
Yay! Little Peeper has kicked himself off of the last bit of his shell. He's still attached by a bit of membrane/egg white/whatever, but yay anyway! His twin egg has dark shadows at the high point of it's air cell indicating that it's moving into position to pip internally. I'm so gosh darn excited I can't even, I don't know what, shucks.

Also, the last candling of batch #2 occurred this evening and 11/11 of them are alive.

The first of the lavender orpingtons is out! She's an obnoxious little thing. I was in bed early and all the cheeping got me up to check.
Aww PickledPenny, she's super cute!
So news here is that I now have 4 broody hens. I did have 5, but one gave up on her nest after 10 days. I candled the eggs she was sitting on as she was off the nest for about 3 hours, and they are amazingly all still viable. Phew!
There are 7 Australorps - day 16 - under the 2 Belgian D'uccles, 4 Pekins and an Aracauna - day 12 - under a bantam Wyandotte and 4 Aracaunas - day 5 - under the other bantam Wyandotte. (We're candling the 4 Aracaunas on Friday, here's hoping they're all fertile.) The Australorps will be the first to hatch, due on Monday! Getting so excited for their arrival now.
Wonderful news! I know I'll be watching eggs closely when day 19 is here. At least I have the bater set up in the laundry room, It will allow me to start folding that pile of laundry I've been trying to get to for 3 days! It is now officially day 18 for me and I'm getting more and more antsy. Yesterday all of my eggs started rocking after I turned them and I was so excited I stared at them for at least 15 minutes!
All these new babies that everyone has and are getting make me wish I could be there with you so we could all be crazy together, LOL. Hope ya'll get some rest.

Two babies just hatched from my group of 6 eggs. These two pipped this morning and are now sleeping off the hatch. One of them keeps runnin to my hand like I'm mother hen and she'll fall asleep snuggled in my hand. So cute!!
Also, had a deformed chick hatch as well (well I helped it, knew something was up)- it was born with no upper beak or eyes, instead it had a large mass of tissue growing on its head. I'll post about it or start a new thread about that one.
Got 3 more babies I'll be checking on all night still in their eggs. 2 moving around and 1 I haven't seen any movement from but I'm still hopefull.
Happy hatching everyone!
Wonderful news! I know I'll be watching eggs closely when day 19 is here. At least I have the bater set up in the laundry room, It will allow me to start folding that pile of laundry I've been trying to get to for 3 days! It is now officially day 18 for me and I'm getting more and more antsy. Yesterday all of my eggs started rocking after I turned them and I was so excited I stared at them for at least 15 minutes!
All these new babies that everyone has and are getting make me wish I could be there with you so we could all be crazy together, LOL. Hope ya'll get some rest.
LOL Love it! That's one way to get it done. Maybe I should try that!

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