November hatch-a-long

My house chicken has gone broody with the worst timing. She's a serama so she'll be perfect for my broody coturnix quail project but my quail are all molting right now! I don't have any quail eggs! :barnie
I'll just let her sit on her own eggs. Here's some history about her and her rooster. Her roosters name is Squeaky. Unfortunately he has some sort of heart problem so that if he gets stressed out even a little his comb begins to turn purple and he puffs himself up in a corner. It's only happened twice. We thought his comb was getting frost bite so we brought him and his hen, Coconut, inside the house. Soon we realized that this happened when he got stressed. His hen did not have these problems but she was happy to stay in the house. Unfortunately in February of this year his hen passed away do to egg binding. He was lonely for a while but we got him a new hen in late March. He doesn't act the same but he's happier. Now in November his hen, who I've named Butterscotch has gone broody with three eggs.

Poor guy. I'm glad he was given another mate. Hope whatever issue he has isn't genetic. I hear ya on the broody's timing. That seems to be a lot of my timing this year as well. :confused:
It’s day 9 on the one under the broody, and it still looks great. My mom found her on the wrong nest again the other day and the eggs were cold, so she was worried, but the heartbeat looks strong today.
More chicks popped out of eggs, day 3 hatching now...even though I set them under her at the same time still 3 more to hatch!
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