November hatch-a-long

I have no incubator and had no plans to hatch until reading through this thread and now I’m feeling itchy to try it myself! Gah!!! What do you do with all the chicks you hatch?? I couldn’t possibly keep them all, right?
Do it do it
I keep all the girls we hatch and rehome extra boys. I’m up to 27 birds, though we have lots of extra boys at the moment.
Do you know what their parents looked like? That would help narrow down the possibilities at least.

The mom looks like this, the dad is a mystery! My friend gave them to me with the silkie eggs as a first time incubating. She guided me through the process :D


ALSO! Exciting news the remainder of the eggs hatched :D Lost one out of the 8 I put into lockdown...haven't seen movement out of it and the egg looks blood covered on inside :( Is it possible the chick itself did something to cause all that blood? It didn't pip or anything.

On a happier note, here is the last two babies. Easter egger #2 and Silkie #5
I candled the duck eggs, 2/13 showed development so I tossed the rest. Cracked a few first, nothing. I suppose a week in the incubator would prevent seeing whether they were fertile or not but I’m less than impressed. 2 of the eggs were really dirty also. Should have another dozen next week to hopefully hatch a few in December.
I have no incubator and had no plans to hatch until reading through this thread and now I’m feeling itchy to try it myself! Gah!!! What do you do with all the chicks you hatch?? I couldn’t possibly keep them all, right?

It's contagious! Lol! It's also addicting! I have been hatching since March. I am selling most of the baby chicks I don't want (not too hard to find homes for the pullets and can get lucky and rehome some cockerels)....the others (all cockerels) are going to freezer camp.

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