Now this IS funny!!


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
One of my turkens, Mandi, decided to join my newest broody, Ellie Mae, on the nest. My SD#1 came out to the coop to help me prepare for moving Ellie Mae to her own broody box.
An egg fight ensued between Ellie and Mandi over the eggs that were in the box.
We were rolling with laughter watching them fight over them. Mandi would reach under Ellie with her beak and scoot an egg out. Ellie would squawk and steal the egg back. They fought like that for a good 20 minutes or so.

I finally put my brave on and grabbed Ellie and moved her to her new housing for the next 21 days.
Now all I have to do is hope that Mandi just wants to sleep in a nestbox tonight and is not going the B word.
Pretty soon we'll need to change "stop the broodies" to "overrun with chicks." The broody disease here is obviously a different strain because it's not contagious. My barely-old-enough-to-lay mutt is still my only broody. Not only that, daily checks reveal only her original 7 eggs, no extras. I think she's too mean to let anyone in there to lay with her, and evidently she doesn't believe in stealing others' babies. Well, at 0-3 eggs a day from the flock, maybe she just can't find them.
Ah the broody virus...Got it here to.First 1....then 2...and now 3... There is no cure for it except to just let it run it's course
I am so tired of broodies.
As soon as one girl stops then the next is ready to brood. At my house the scary mean hens are the first time broodies.
I have beat them about the beak (not really)in order to collect eggs. The Silkies are at least rather sweet when I reach in and grab the eggs. I don't have a rooster so I don't need any broodies.

Gritty; Best wishes on your broodies.

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