NPIP and AI Clean Hatching Eggs


7 Years
Jun 27, 2012
Madison, VA
We have the following breeds available for pre-orders. Orders will be shipped out Monday-Thursday of next week in the order that we receive them.

Bantam Marans These include Blue, Black, Cuckoo and GOLDEN cuckoo
available in half dozen ONLY ($25)

Black Penedesencas very nice chocolate colored eggs, most are darker than a marans
Sold in half dozens or whole dozens ( $35 for whole dozen)

PURE BBS LF Ameraucanas, these are from our show stock and are beautiful blue eggs

PURE Lavender, White,and Sliver Ameraucana bantam hatching eggs, *limited availability

Mixed flock
we have Pure Ameraucanas, easter eggers, white leghorns, Black Copper Marans, Black Penedesencas, cochins, silkies, Turken, Polish and mixed bantams in the free range flock, some can be pure and some will be mixed. ( $5/dozen)

We can also do a mixed dozen of any of the above for $20

We charge a flat rate of $13 for up to a dozen eggs and $17 for more than a dozen

You can see more photos on our website

NPIP and AI Clean 52-275
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how much would it cost to ship 12 ameraucana eggs to indiana? Reason i ask you is i dont want to get the wrong price amount on my head lol
ok and i iust got a paypal and have never used ot before. So i will look at it ronight to see how it works and get back ro you because i would definatley like a sozen BBS Ameraucana eggs.

thank you
i just looked at paypal and how to send money to people and i expected it to be complicated but it actually looks kind of easy. I will have to swnd you the money sometime later tonight though because i dont have time right now. :)

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