Nugget Goes Broody..... UPDATE Chicks Hatched /PICS!!!

Hey,, she just called me abnormal,,, is that like abby normal?? In Young Frankenstein???
Today is Day 6 on Nugget's eggs. DH found an egg broken/pecked and the stuff had spilled out, gotten on the other eggs and on Nugget-the eggs stuck to her when she was removed from the nest. Looks like she pecked it, but I guess it could have cracked against another egg. Right now, DH is out replacing the straw in her nest and trying to check the other eggs. I hope this doesn't mess up the hatch. So, she's down to 7 eggs now, 5 Barred EEs and 2 Blue Orpingtons.
Hey Speckledhen
Your Nugget looks like my three BO hens. Mine all have a bald patch on their back from my one BO rooster's advances. I tried the no sew saddle pattern made out of fleece, but they all somehow squirmed out of the saddles. Which pattern do you use for the saddles?
Hope your Nugget has a good hatch. I have a silkie hen on 8 eggs since 2/18.
L*A*G, yes they hatched. Check out the thread in incubation about the"Delawares Humming Along"
As far as the saddles, I bought three of them from a BYCer on the old BYC, then a friend who got rid of her rooster sent me two of hers, made by the same person. I have some "over the wing" types and some "cross your heart" types, though Nugget is too large for the "cross your heart" saddles. Nugget is the favorite of my younger BR rooster, but now that she's raising babies, she's getting a break from all that.
Oh, no, think I have another broody! One of my younger Blue Orp girls is guarding a nest, has been in it all day and is a very testy! If she stays on when the others go to roost, I'll have to find somewhere to put her. At least I am ready to incubate some Blue Orp chicks (all to sell), so I have those eggs ready to go plus some Barred Easter Egger eggs. Gee, you guys who live close to me really want some of those, dont you?
Nugget is a Buff Orpington and Dusty is a Blue Orpington. We're going to try to break up Dusty's spell she's under, though. We really dont have a great place to put her if we remove her from the coop.

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