Numbers People - Does "2011" Look Strange To You?


Big Pippin'
11 Years
Feb 27, 2008
Elizabethtown, NC
I'm a numbers person. For example, I eat french fries in 2's. When I read something I notice the number of letters in each word. Weird, I know, but that's me.

Does the number "2011" look funny to anybody else besides me? It looks unbalanced and strange to me.
Now that you mention it, it does.
don't think of it as 11. Think of it as two ones. so, 20 (1+1)
so now you have your 2. This year you can eat fries by 2's twice as fast!

If I understood binomials life might be easier... or, not.
Weird...I prefer odd numbers to even. And in the lower number ranges, prime numbers are even better. I think it is weird that people can have preferences for something as neutral as a number....

So in my world....

My current age of 47 is better than next year's age of 48. 49 is better because it is a square of a prime, but 51 is better still because it is prime.

I have a friend who married quickly after getting engaged because she wanted to get married in an odd numbered year, but didn't want to wait over a year.
2011 looks odd but actually is an even number in numerology. Take 2+0+1+1= 4 or 20+1+1=22 which taken down is 2+2=4 or 20+11=31 taken down is 3+1=4

The number 4 is creation. A new beginning, a birth or a new job. Even in the Chinese definitions of numbers it can have a bad note as in death, but even in death there is always a new beginning, but on the same breath the #4 is associated with water and water means money...

Just my two cents. Have a happy new year!
I know 2011 will be better. I feel it. All the other times, I was just hoping. Now that I know what 4 means, all is good!

What does two mean? It's my fav number.
Which, yes! How strange that we have fav numbers. or that we like evens or odds better than the other. People brains are interesting.
I am also a "numbers" person. Lately 222 has been haunting me. It's everywhere tha:lol:t I look. Can't wait for 1/11/11 and even better 11/11/11.
I am haunted by numbers. 2, 4 and 7 come up SO often other people are creeped out by it.

My house number, my land line, and both my and DHs cell phones all have those three numbers in differing orders.

And I was born on the 22nd and DH was born on the 11th. Our kids were born on the 12th and the 21st.

2011 looks odd but I think it will be fine and 2012 has no issue to me whatsoever.

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